Attracting Women With Foreignality
Frankly, EVERYBODY wants to be unique. NO ONE wants to be part of ‘the herd’. This is why foreign women attract us so much: by their background alone they stand out in the crowd, in the so called herd. You and I find them exotic, mysterious even, because there’s something unique and unknown about them…an X-FACTOR if you will.
Many men try to generate attraction using their ‘own’ x-factor, by TRYING to be perceived as unique. However, as it turns out…MOST attempts at being unique aren’t unique AT ALL! Women hear things like you have such beautiful eyes, you’re gorgegous, is heaven missing an angel because…from men who are strangers to them ALL THE TIME. If you’re one of those people who ever tried these ‘canned opening lines’, you’ll know the result: little to NO succes.
Now let me ask you: have you EVER tried to get the most out of HER uniqueness, her x-factor? When looking to create uniqueness in her eyes…have you EVER thought about using her own uniqueness AGAINST her, about polarizing it, with the result of creating your OWN uniqueness while you haven’t even talked about yourself yet? Your answer will most likely be no…and that’s why I’ve created this topic on my blog. Because now? You CAN, using my Foreignality concept. Make the most of stereotypes during communication by reading on about…
Foreign Women In General: A Few Pointers
Girls fall for the alpha male, for the male that brings something unique to the table (other things too, but read before commenting)…and that’s where all your advantages lie with foreign girls.
Why? It’s fairly easy to become VERY unique for them within a VERY short amount of time…HOW? Here’s how: let’s say you’re Dutch (like me), the general opinion is Dutch people don’t know jack sh*t about latina’s, their language, their food, their culture, etc. And just by knowing a few basic things and bringing it with the right body language (or delivery when online meeting women) you’ll score major points. Simply because no one expects you to know, but you DO know. I’ll give an example to clarify:
me: Hey mami..can I ask you something? Im just new in town, what clubs do you like going to?
her (for example latina): blabla
me: you got a little accent going on right there don’t you? Where are you from?
her: I’m Cuban
me: ow reallyyy? well in that case: como estas chica bonita? (how you doin pretty girl?)
her: hahaha and/or how do you know spanish??
me: ahh welll…I have my moments.Como te llamas (whats your name?)
her: blabla
me: mucho gusto (nice to meet you), so where were you going?
her: blabla
me: oww okay, I was on my way to a friend so I better get going but hey…write down your number, so you can give me a tour of the town sometime
her: blabla
me: okay, hasta luego mami (see you later girl)
So what you do is learn:
– how are you
– what’s your name
– nice to meet you
– bye
Four basic things, and VERY effective when mixed with a little sweet talk (like the words mami and bonita above). Do this for the country which girls you’re most attracted to and go see where you’ll find those girls most. In the case of latinas, salsa/merengue/reggaeton party’s, Spanish movies, concerts of latin artists, Spanish food and beverages (from the taco isle in the supermarket to your local mexican restaurant) etc. When you go there there with this basic set, it gives you what the Tao of Dating calls the local maximum.
Imagine yourself going to a concert of an hispanic artist known mostly by hispanics, how much (state your origins here) would you find there? Practically NONE. You look like the odd one out at first, but then you approach a girl…in HER language. Yes YOU, the foreign guy. Guess what the results are: PING! “wow, this foreign guy knows my language while he isn’t suppose to know…I wonder why?”
= being mysterious, being a hight status male and being attractive all at once.
But WAIT! Certain kinds of regions, cities, schools…ALL have their own slang/accent, rituals, their own culture. This is a HINT…of more to come…
Being Compelling With Foreign Women: Teasing, Challenging And Being Picky
Foreign girls give you one-thousand-and-then-some chances to tease, bust balls and be generally playful: it’s all about setting frames.
1) She doesn’t know what you know about her foreignality. So a great tease is: first ask and then let her talk about her it, then accuse her of thinking you’re ignorant. Example:
Her: well…in Italy you have the rich northern part of the country and the poorer southern part right below Rome. That’s why the mafia is so big in the south: because of the huge difference in prosperity and wealth.
Me: what…you thought I didn’t know that? It’s because I’m foreign isn’t it.
Although I look like a total fratboy…I go out and read books too you know.
Her: -shameful-
Effect: shows you’re being picky about and accuse her of being prejudice about somebody’s originis AND looks (after which she’ll feel guilt that she’ll try to make up for later), tease her with being foreign, and finally it conveys confidence/higher status (the fratboy looks being smart with the books part).
2) She’s 10 out of 10 times proud of her people. So a great tease is: busting her balls on ALL of it! Examples:
her: -says something in her language I really dont understand-
me: bless you! better dress warmer girl, caus it sounds like you’re catching a cold.
OR me: hell yeah! I totally agree (pauze)…although I dont understand SH*T of what you said just now! Im not (state her origins) you know, Im just the foreign guy
Effect: teases and busts her balls on her origins with C&F (which is very hard to counter and thus a GEM to use), conveys you´re being picky on her patriotic thoughts that everybody automatically knows her language because her country is so great, lol!
her: -says something in her language that sounds like something else in yours-
(For example: I was giving my Iraqi cutie spankies for being a cutie and teased her, she teased me back and I teased her with I would SLAY that booty if she wouldn’t stop teasing…and asked her how to you say it in Iraqi. She said: akutlek, which in Dutch translates as ‘a c*nt leaking’…so guess what I said?)
me: excuse you? I think you’re VERY cute…but that doesn’t mean I need to know all the NASTY details of your life..especially NOT how bad it’s going down there, that’s just grose! Girl…you freaky!
Effect: again teases and busts her balls on her origins with C&F, playfully accuses her of being too dirty (unhygienic) for you which conveys you’re higher status AND teases her about having a sexlife that´s shameful (women in our society are programmed to believe that they should be covert and decent with their sexlives or else they will be viewed as being ´sluts´ or ´whores´…automatically, calling her freaky, a freak or a supafreak is thus using this ‘forbidden fruit’ which generates attraction for you because you confront them with it).
her: -describes a certain kind of food that they make in her country-
Me: wow…amazing, that actually sounds like it would make a HELL of a new recipe..for the dogfood industry that is!
Effect: like all of the above insinuates she´s being too patriotic about her origins and that you´re being picky about it, it busts her balls with C&F and also shows higher status because you´re wayyy better than those stupid traditions, lol.
***NOTE*** And if you would like to get access to more state of the art strategies for improving your conversations, your dating, and the quality of your very LIFE for that matter..
Then I’d like to share them with you in my blog post on how to get with a girl.
3) Her full name/last name/nickname or those of her friends and/or family is always a great tease. Example:
me: well I know most (state her origins) have multiple names, so whats your full name:
her -for example a latina- Isabella Maria Matingo de Andalusia blabla..
me: thats a cute name, you don’t hear that one often, yeah…it’s definitely a special name, but it’s a shame that…
her: what?
me: that I’ll at least trip FIVE times over your name at the first try, so please remind me to call you (use a ballbusting nickname or just the first few letters of her first name) from now on.
Effect: shows high status through the expertise trait (women love knowledgeable men and here you show knowledge about her origins, which makes you unique because you aren´t supposed to know), busts balls using cocky & funny on her country´s tradition in a playful manner AND it anchors: from now on everytime she does something difficult you can C&F accuse her of the aforementioned JUST by using that nickname.
As you can see…it gives you a lot of easy and VERY effective chances to get to know her better/be unique/tease/create attraction.
Roleplaying With Foreignality
An easy but effective and playful technique: the teacher vs. student roleplays (chicks looove roleplays). Make HER learn YOU some things of her language. This gives you:
1) Opportunity to bust her balls on being a bad teacher/speller/not knowing enough of her own culture
2) The chance to seduce her by asking love words…and then in the next convo combine them in an original way. (Example I once asked a latina how you say you have beautiful eyes, and during ‘fluff’ I asked basic grammar like they are..I am..big, small etc. Next time, I said to her in Spanish out of nowhere: Mami…You have very beautiful eyes, they are big and’s cute. Result: fuck close, yes thats right!)
3) Opportunity to learn things that you can use on your next target, she basically gives you new culture game to work with on the next of her country you come across (and you already figured out where you could find more, didn´t you?)
4) The reward system (extended reward: tease her with needing to do a little more before a reward) and the favor-for-a-favor (if you’ll teach me this, I’ll give you a tour of that > great set-up for future dates!)
Also powerful: obviously, foreign girls don’t live in their country anymore. So by doing some of the above you’re bringing back memories of her country, make her think about vacations, her youth, etc.These are ALL very romantic images passing by in her head, again this is the NLP concept of anchoring. Whenever she NOW thinks about one of those, she´ll think about YOU and whenever she´ll think about very romantic images? She´ll think about you too! And hey, these are exactly the things most guys don’t EVER talk about with women…which automatically makes you UNIQUE.
When To Use What?
You’re propably thinking right now: yeah…sounds nice, but I will NEVER be able to come up with a great stereotype to use against her. But don’t be se negative now, come on! Because great thing about foreignality is: you DON’T have to!
Because you can:
1) Use the never tell stereotype. If you say to her ‘‘Well you know what they say about … (fill in any physical trait + styling trait, i.e. blondes wearing pink) right?’’
She’ll ALWAYS ask no…what do they say? And then…you never tell her. Creates a great teasing atmosphere in which you make her guess and every guess is wrong, you make her beg..ask for something in return and then say you lied and won’t ever give it to her, etc. etc. Key is: no matter WHAT she does, don’t tell.
You’ll come across as being mysterious, fun and most of all: compelling.
2) Make up your own stereotype. You can again say to her ‘‘Well you know what they say about … (fill in any physical trait + styling trait, i.e. blondes wearing pink) right?’’ She’ll ALWAYS ask no…what do they say? And then…you reply with a CRAZY theory that’s totally farfetched but you’re being wayyy too scientific in your explanation, which makes it almost believable.
She’ll either: ask really? And you say no you nerd, I can’t believe you fell for that you’re so dumb sometimes.
Or: objects and tells you you’re lying or whatever, and you say you’re right it’s not true for EVERY … (name the traits again) but it IS for you! Because you’re like soooo weird sometimes, whateverrr.
You’ll come across as being outlandish (the positive opposite of her boring little life), ballsy (women like men with guts that aren’t affraid to show it) and about the snobby soooo weird reply: used this snobby bitch character ALL the time with women and they LOVE it! Sometimes they even give me kisses just so I’ll do the character again. Why? Again…roleplaying my friend, it’s powerful stuff.
3) Find a stereotype. Only thing I’ll say here is + stereotypes search on =
plenty of material to work with.
4) Make stereotypes out of her personality traits. What do sporty spice girls NEVER want to hear? What do smart brainiac women NEVER want to hear? What do wild girls NEVER want to hear? That they’re the opposite of that: unhealthy fatzo’s, dumb blondes and very quiet introvert girls. So what happens when you use that AGAINST them in a playful manner? Exactly: MAGIC HAPPENS. You can tease them the best way by reversing it on them, of which I’ll give you an example right now:
Me: you seem like an athletic girl, but what do you do to stay in that cute shape of yours?
Her: Well…I go jogging three times a week for like 15 minutes, me and my girl Angela always do some tae bo on Thursday nights and I like to work on my tummy at least twice a week in the gym. No I’m NOT overdoing it, lol! I’m actually quite the fanatic when it comes to sports and keeping in shape, haha!
Me: Yeah right…that’s what EVERY unhealthy pimple-covered FATZO tells when they want to make a good impression on people 😛
Her: hahaha, oh no not true because blabla
Me: I see…that’s what those fatzo’s ALSO always say! You’re not going ‘larger then life’ on me are you?
Her: hahaha SO not true!
Me: Well…why are you bragging about it then? Because the REAL sporty girls would just say I work out … times a week and I love it. But there YOU go and put in alllll that effort to convince of how well you’re doing with sports, which is being a little TOO obvious..and makes you a suspect fatzo.
You see how she was being VERY serious about this particular hobby/passion whatever of hers? And then YOU came in accusing her of being the opposite just because she gave some details. It always works because people ALWAYS want to go into detail about their hobby’s/passions and why they love them so much.
To More Dating Success,
Carlos Xuma
Win With Women
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