How To Seduce Females By The Dozen Without Much Effort
If you want to seduce females, then forget about those Hollywood fantasies and pick up artist tricks. Discover the real way to seduce a female today!
Let’s be honest here: you don’t seduce females by buying them flowers, dinners, gifts, and I don’t know what else Hollywood tries to make you believe…
And you can’t seduce females and have long term dating success (or an actual relationship) by using pick up artist tricks and routines that transform both you and women into robots. You just can’t expect to seduce a female by pushing a button, waiting for a response and then pushing another button…
I can almost hear you think: “So what is the real way of learning how to seduce females then?”
It’s following a number of rules of how women work. To be more specific: they’re guidelines for how to seduce a female that will serve as training wheels until you have enough experience to do it yourself.
Ready to check out the rules of how to seduce females? Ready or not, here we go!
The 8 Rules Of How To Seduce Females
The following rules of how to seduce a female cover not only what you need to do, but also what you need to be… and what you need to believe…
1) Rejection is better than regret: were you ever walking somewhere, only to see the most beautiful brunette you’ve seen in quite some time walk towards you… but you didn’t say anything to her although you wanted to? Did you feel bad about it for hours afterwards because you were an idiot for not taking the chance you had? Then know this about how to seduce females: you can never get a “YES” if you never ask.
2) You do not have to change for success. All you have to do is go back to when you were a child. Remember how you were pulling girls’ hairs, maybe even throwing dirt at them? Well, guess who are the most successful with women? Bad boys. In a way, bad boys are just like children: they take VERY uncalculated risks, treat girls like spoiled little brats, and so on. So you don’t have to change to seduce females, you just have to remember what it’s like to be a young boy again.
3) People want what they can’t have, and that includes women. Most regular guys like you and me chase women, call or text them many times if we don’t hear from them, etc. That’s being easy to get. That’s being like all the other guys: boring. Predictable. TOO easy. So, what makes you stand out? Being hard to get. It makes you exciting and unpredictable. It makes you stand out.
So, learning how to seduce a female is learning counterintuitive things: the less you want them, the more they want you. The more distance you try to create between you and them, the closer they want to be with you. The less available you are to them, the more available they’ll be for you. I think you get the picture.
4) Out of this rule flows the next one: the person who is least available is always the most desired and has all the power. Hell, a woman will make time for you at the level of interest she has for you, so don’t fall for the “I’m busy right now but maybe later” trap. Don’t let females seduce you to wait for them. It’s only okay to focus on only one chick if you’re in a relationship. PERIOD. And even then, you seduce females by letting THEM wait for YOU… not the other way around.
5) There is no technique of techniques. No routine of routines. There is nothing that always works in every situation. So know this: you can’t control the situation but you can control yourself, your own emotions, and your life. Start improving self confidence (which includes all of these three things in my opinion) to improve your chances to seduce females.
6) An old saying goes “As you think, you shall become.” In order to be successful in the world, you must first be successful in your mind. Put simply, there is no seducing females without confidence. Without believing in yourself. Success is a state of mind.

7) Attraction is a FEELING based on EMOTIONS. Always remember that if you want to seduce females, because it makes what women say and think irrelevant. They may voice the opinion that they’ll never a date a guy who doesn’t treat them right, but yet still… women date bad boys… a lot! They may think they want a guy who’s sweet and nice and sensitive, but that’s all said with logical reasoning… while emotions are the most illogical things in existence and attraction is based on those illogical freaking emotions dude!
8 ) Another old saying: “Foresight teaches gently, error teaches brutally.” Instead of mindlessly and randomly going out to seduce a female, ANY female you meet? Put some thought into it. After approaching someone for example, ask yourself what she responded well too. Say you tried starting the conversation with a goofy question like if she can help you find the nearest UFO and she laughs and laughs, then start the conversation with the UFO question from now on and throw all the things that didn’t go well right out the window.
Then continue until you find something for every part of the conversation (the start, attraction, bonding with her, touching her, closing the deal, etc.) that works and you can seduce females with.
This gives you the perfect conversation to seduce females with that ends in them giving you their number in no time…
While blindly trying everything and anything will be a brutal teacher for you because you keep getting rejected until you “get lucky”… if you ever do.
There are many other rules of how to seduce females, but I’ll tell you more about them later…
If You Want To Seduce A Female, Each Conversation Must…
There’s a method to the madness of learning to seduce females, because there are certain elements you must include in a conversation if you want to “get the girl.”
So to finish the sentence here: if you want to seduce a female, then each conversation must:
1) Create attraction. In the broadest sense of the words, this means making a woman feel better while having a conversation with you than she felt before it. You can do that by playfully teasing her, cracking jokes, being dominant, disapproving of her and her behavior and the list goes on, and on… and on (more on this later…)
2) Create a connection. Everyone who has ever tried playfully teasing, cocky and funny or whatever you want to call it… thinking that it was the only thing that should be done? Knows what I mean when I say: you need to do more than turn women into targets to seduce females. You need a bond with them. Make them feel comfortable. Make them trust you. Make them open up to you. Best way to do it: asking open-ended questions. That’s all there is to it!
You don’t have to use these two things 50-50 to seduce females, you know…
Because you can also tease them half to death, then quickly find some common interests and move on (lots of attraction, little connection)…
… Or you can make her feel like she’s known you all her life during the first conversation and only tease her with those funny looking shoes she’s wearing (little attraction, lots of connection).
Attraction and connection are like yin and yang. Treat them as such to get women by the dozen.

As long as both attraction AND connection are present in a conversation, then you can seduce females anywhere, at any time, and even when they’re with anyone.
I can almost hear you think: “Why didn’t you talk about the start of a conversation? Or about the end of it? Don’t I need to know about that stuff if I want to seduce females?”
You see, I’ve started conversations with females by saying “Hi.” Or just by waving my hand, seeing them smile and walking up to them. The start of the conversation is irrelevant because…
It’s not about what you do or say that lets you seduce a female… it’s how you RESPOND to what she says and does.
And about the end: this is when simpleminded dating gurus will tell you to get her number and walk away… and I wonder why.
Just because you want to date her, doesn’t mean you need to meet her, get the number, call, and then date. The guy who invented this “routine” that most guys follow was an IDIOT.
Because why not ask what a woman’s doing right now? Who knows, you might be going on the first date a minute from now… know what I mean?
Hell, if you try to seduce females in the club and you want to leave, why not leave WITH them and take them back to your place? Sure, that requires skill. But it’s not rocket science.
Proof: I’m not a rocket scientist 😉
Final Thoughts On How To Seduce Females
Remember how I mentioned that there are more rules of how to seduce a female and more character traits to seduce females with (being mysterious, playful teasing, etc.)?
Well, would you like to discover them ALL?
Do you want to get your hands on all of them so you can seduce female after female, after female… after female until you have a hard time remembering their names and making room for yet another “stupid” date on your schedule?
If so, then be sure to get the FREE tips inside my members-only Inner Game Newsletter today, because it gives you the amazing (and brutal) truth about how the dating game REALLY works.
No gimmicks. No tricks. No Hollywood crap. Only proven techniques brought to you in an entertaining way. Entertaining, just like this blog post… so don’t hesitate and sign up.
And I hope you liked my thoughts on how to seduce females! I could talk about how to seduce a female all day, but I won’t for a change hehe.
To More Dating Success,
Carlos Xuma
Win With Women
P.S. What you\'ve learned today is only the tip of the iceberg of what most men will never know about women and dating. And if you want to know more about how to meet women without much effort, then get instant access to more tips by signing up for our FREE Inner Game Insider.