Author: Carlos

7 Secret Tips For Texting That Attract Girls Like Crazy

Everyone can give tips for texting things that girls like, but today you’ll get tips for texting things that girls LOVE and most guys don’t know about.

Because today I’ve got some tips for texting girls for you that guys who are incredibly successful with texting (guys like players and dating gurus) would hate to share with you because they make the dating game a hell of a lot easier.

I had to stalk some of those womanizers to get these tips for texting for you…

But it was worth it because don’t you, too, want to make the dating game a hell of a lot easier for yourself by making texting girls so easy a baby could do it?

In short: move over amateurish tips for texting that you can easily come up with yourself. Make room for pro tips from insiders that you won’t find anywhere else…

Tips For Texting: Right Click, Save As…

Learn below why some tips for texting are worth saving!

Most people who want tips for texting don’t realize that what they say makes texting “difficult” is also it’s greatest advantage:

It’s text-based.

Sure, you only have text to attract girls with… where you have your body language, eye contact, your voice tone, clothing …

How To Do Flirting – A Men’s Guide To Getting Women

When it comes to how to do flirting, most regular guys like you and me are clueless. Why not change that? Learn how flirting is done and get dates!

And in case you’re asking yourself what made ME the expert on how to do flirting, then my answer’s: I didn’t, but women did. You see, I know how women think in the dating game.

I know because I’ve been trying to learn how to do flirting myself for many, many years now. Plus, I’ve successfully coached hundreds of guys with meeting and dating women during the last 3 years or so… so you could say that I know what I’m talking about.

Hey, I’m not saying I have ALL the answers when it comes to how to do flirting, but I will tell you this:

Once you know how women think and what attracts them when you’re flirting with them like I know? It’s a matter of time before you’ll get dates here, there, and every freaking where!

So, let’s see what knowing how to do flirting boils down to, shall we?

Learning How To Do Flirting Is Learning A “Secret Language”

The most important thing you can ever

Finding A Girlfriend Online Is Easy With These 9 Secrets

You know what? Finding a girlfriend online is easy IF you know what you’re doing. So let’s make sure that you know what you’re doing online, shall we?

And in case you’re wondering: “Is finding a girlfriend online for the long run really possible?” Then my answer is: HELL YEAH. Why?

Because several years ago, I started finding a girlfriend online myself and I pulled it off. And she’s hot, funny, intelligent, real, and we’ve been together for almost 4 years now.

Plus, over the years I’ve coached plenty of guys who were also able to find a girlfriend online.

And if I, and they, can find a girlfriend online successfully, why can’t you?

Like I said before: if you know what you’re doing online, finding a girlfriend online is only a matter of time. So are you ready to speed up the process with my insider secrets of how to do it?

Finding A Girlfriend Online Starts With Your Type

Finding a girlfriend online starts with finding a site for your type of woman… and if it doesn’t exist? It starts with writing a dating profile that attracts your type.

Don’t believe those online date tips that say you …