Author: Carlos Xuma

Don’t let women fool you about what they want

Steve, a programmer from Wichita, seemed to have it all. He had a high-paying job, an active social life, a great sense of style and was incredibly fit (which is especially hard for someone who works at the computer all day long).

Yet, in spite of his “boyfriend material” qualities, he couldn’t find a woman to save his life. “All my friends set me up with this girl or that, but it never worked out,” Steve told me.

According to him, he always got the “You’re a nice guy, but…” speech in one form or another. Steve spent a few years like this, wallowing in the special kind of hell where he couldn’t be anything more than a platonic friend to women.

This was when he came to me for help. All this time, he thought women prioritized physical qualities like guys do.

Steve told me he pretty much looked like “your stereotypical nerd” for most of his life. And this is why he wanted to reinvent himself after leaving college.

So he invested in a gym membership, got a stylist to sort out his fashion sense and worked hard to be on top of his career.

The thing is,

5 Things You Can Do Today to Become More Alpha

Approaching women, knowing what to say and how to act around them are all part of a guy’s toolkit. Without it, attracting women would be next to impossible.

But there’s another part of the equation that you need to take care of to be an Alpha Male in the most complete sense of the word.

And that means transforming yourself, one step at a time.

A huge part of being attractive to women is about cultivating an attitude and mindset that help you successfully interact with the opposite sex.

Even mastering the best pickup lines and approach methods won’t be as effective without that inner core. It’s that seemingly elusive quality that makes a man a dyed-in-the-wool Alpha male.

So what I’m trying to say is that you can benefit from a personality upgrade. And it’s not impossible at all to pull off.

This isn’t an overhaul and you don’t have to change who you are inside. I’m just asking you to uncover the best version of yourself by taking that first step.


#1: Lay Off the Labels

This is the first milestone in your personal transformation. It’s a simple shift in thinking, but it will have a profound effect …

Say All the Right Things On Your Next Date

It’s funny, after managing to meet a girl, get her number and ask her out, some guys tend to freak out over what do next. A wave of panic washes over them, thinking that so much could go wrong. And the funny thing is that there’s really no reason to panic.

Dating might seem like a random, luck-of-the-draw kind of deal, but in reality the success of your evening largely depends on the stuff you say (and mostly DON’T say) to her.

Never underestimate the impact of a good (or bad) conversation during a date. Guys who often say the wrong thing (or the right thing at the wrong time) aren’t aware that women have both Attraction Switches and Dealbreaker Triggers in their heads.

The good news is that it’s not rocket science at all. We’ve broken down the communication do’s and don’ts during a date, so here’s a rundown of what to expect:

Full Disclosure: Topics That Can Wait for MUCH Later

Ok, so one of the biggest blunders is giving a girl too much information on the first date. It’s kind of disturbing how many guys actually think that diving into stuff that’s too personal or intense will …