How To Get Emotional With Women Without Being a Wuss
Feelings: for guys, it’s the final frontier. Let’s admit it – as men, we’re not big on sharing our emotions.
Case in point: Ever notice how many books on self-help for men that AREN’T on the market?
Instead of taking our emotions apart, most of us would rather tinker with our cars or analyze the socio-political themes in Watchmen.
Now I know there are exceptions to this, so if you like talking about your feelings, then props to you.
But for the vast majority of dudes out there – particularly those interested in meeting women – they’re hurting their game by not tapping into their emotional network.
Starting a conversation isn’t enough; you’ll need to actively engage her on an emotional level.
Otherwise, you might as well be STERILE. Fortunately, it isn’t that hard to trigger a woman’s feelings.
And no, it doesn’t mean pretending to gush over Eat, Pray, Love just to create that spark of attraction.
First of all, it’s OK to actually hint that you like a woman. It’s a delicate rope to walk for sure; being too direct may give away the game and turn her off.
But if you’re not working towards creating sexual …