Author: Carlos Xuma

How To Meet Women – With No Fear And No Rejection – Part 1

Why do we do this to ourselves?

Why do guys force themselves to walk up to women and start a conversation?

Well, I suppose the answer is really pretty basic and obvious. If we didn’t, nothing would really happen. Women understand intuitively that it’s the man’s job to approach.


I believe that this one burden men have to bear is part of a bigger picture of evolutionary design. After all, we are demonstrating that we have the balls and the fortitude to talk to her – and risk possible rejection.

If we couldn’t do that, could she expect us to protect her and to keep her safe?

Probably not.

So the unfortunate side effect is that if we don’t find the courage to chat a girl up, we’re at risk of being kicked out of the gene pool… for good. But the real danger is that most men will rush into a relationship with a woman that is below their standards – they will settle – simply because their inner fear of having to approach women (or be alone) will get the better of them.


You might even find this fact shocking: Many hot women have told me that they …

How do I know I’m in love?

You’ve been dating this chick for months, and she’s amazing! You smile when you think about her, and you want to be around her all the time.

But, there’s a part of you that’s confused.

You might wonder if this is really love. After everything that had happened to you, now you’re unsure, maybe even a little pessimistic.

How would you know if you’re really in love wit her?

Read this article, it has some good insights. And at the end, you’ll be thinking “Oh, THAT’s how I’ll know”.

Stay Alpha,

– Carlos Xuma

Title: How do I know I’m in love?

When people ask me, I always answer with a question, one that I learned from an old man. There is always an answer.


Eleven years ago, I was in the last throes of despair with my ex-wife. I didn’t much like her, nor she me. Within a year, we would be divorced. She was the kind who slept in another room — sometimes another room in a nearby city. Me, I gleefully flew off to Scotland on a moment’s notice. It was like that. We tolerated one another, and no more.

In matters of love, tolerance is …

Can You Love TWO Women At The Same Time?

Can you fall in love with two women? The simple answer is yes, but the level of love will probably be different. The first could be out of commitment and the second out of lust.

It’s always different, but the most common situation is that a guy would fall in love outside of his established long-term relationship. That means, you could either be married or have been with your girlfriend for a long time when another woman comes along.


A survey from showed that men fall in love quicker than women – 54 % of guys say they’ve felt love at first sight, compared to 44 % of women. Pretty crazy, huh? Most people would have guessed the opposite.

Also, 77 % of women say having personal space – that time to themselves – is important to them and rarely go out, while 23% of men need to have regular night outs with their friends.

This means, men would have a lot of women in their network. And finding that someone to connect with or fool around with will most likely present itself.

When a guy falls in love, it doesn’t happen instantly. We go through stages, which will …