5 Mistakes Guys Make Early On That Scare Women Away
If you can’t seem to get the first few stages of dating right, read this article and check out if you’re making these 5 mistakes that guys make early on that scare women away.
This should be an eye-opener for you. Stop scaring women away and start attracting them to you.
Stay Alpha,
– Carlos Xuma
Title: 5 Mistakes Guys Make Early On That Scare Women Away
There’s this guy I know who is confident, sexy and can go all night in the bedroom. But when it comes to actually dating women, he never manages to get past the first-month barrier. Instead of forming solid relationships, he continually gets dumped at the same point in every courtship.
When I polled the women he’s recently dated to discover just what the heck this dude was doing wrong, I discovered five pertinent mistakes that he — and so many men in his position — continually make. So, in light of helping you to actually have a shot at dating that hot new girl you fancy for more than a nanosecond, here are my top five mistakes guys make early on that scare women away.
1. Being too…