Author: Carlos Xuma

#1 Question You Should Never Have to Ask On a Date

When you’re on a date with a woman you put so much effort into asking her out, getting her on the date – it’s important that your objective is not “lost in translation.”

I was researching things on the ‘net this morning (and trying to avoid articles on Heartbleed – LOL) I found this article that sheds some light on what I mean – that ONE question you should NEVER while on a date.

It also tells you the eight simple and powerful words you can ask her….


Stay Alpha,
– Carlos Xuma

Title: The One Question You Should Never Have to Ask While on a Date

– by Jeffrey Platts
… I’ve been on dates (and non-dates) where that was the question one (or both of) us was asking ourselves. And if that is happening, then it’s time to shift our strategy.

A long while back, I rebelled against dates. I resisted the idea of blowing $100 on someone I barely knew. Then I resisted my pattern of getting too physical, too quickly. We’d both be stuck in the dopamine and oxytocin roller coaster and we’d have no idea whether we actually liked or loved each other. …

How do guys really feel about the depiction of women?

Billboards, magazines and ads all portray an increasingly, unrealistic standards of what a “perfect” woman should be.

Men are now beginning to objectify women a certain way that alters what he perceives an ideal woman that he should be with for the rest of his life.

That adds a HUGE strain in the “connecting” process as men find themselves identifying what they see on ads with the actual woman that they see in reality.


What they don’t see on actuality becomes imperfections and that makes them stay away from what could possibly be a great chance in romance.

A recent study by University at Buffalo sociologists has found that the portrayal of women in the popular media over the last several decades has become increasingly sexualized, even “pornified”.

These findings may be cause for concern, the researchers say, because previous research has found sexualized images of women to have far-reaching negative consequences for both men and women.

Have you ever noticed when you’re in a room full of women… you scan the room, and what’s beautiful in your eyes OR what’s sexually attractive to you are more or less similar to a woman you see in media?


A new study …