Author: Carlos Xuma

The Sexodus, Part 1: The men GIVING UP on women and checking out of society

I found this article and thought it was a timely statement of men’s disenchantment with women – and the current dating scene.

Some of it, I have to be clear, is shocking and disheartening.

Make sure you leave a comment here on it and let me know what you think.

Here’s an excerpt:

“Men say the gap between what women say and what they do has never been wider. Men are constantly told they should be delicate, sensitive fellow travellers on the feminist path.

But the same women who say they want a nice, unthreatening boyfriend go home and swoon over simple-minded, giant-chested, testosterone-saturated hunks in Game of Thrones. Men know this, and, for some, this giant inconsistency makes the whole game look too much like hard work.

Why bother trying to work out what a woman wants, when you can play sports, masturbate or just play video games from the comfort of your bedroom?”

What do you think?

Stay Alpha,

– Carlos Xuma


Title: The Sexodus, Part 1: The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society

“My generation of boys is f**ked,” says Rupert, a young German video game enthusiast I’ve been getting to know …

7 NONEXISTENT TRAITS to look for in your next boyfriend

I love this article…

Ever wonder why so many women complain about guys? It’s because of the unrealistic expectations many women have for guys.

It’s like they want us to be 2 different kinds of guys at the same time.

Check this article out – it’s great for a laugh – and even more so because it’s true. (Yes, it’s sarcastic in tone…)

Stay Alpha,

– Carlos Xuma


Title:  7 Nonexistent Traits To Look For In Your Next Boyfriend

  1. He’s a completely open book while retaining an air of mystery

You don’t want your partner keeping any secrets or bottling up resentment; you should know exactly what he’s feeling at all times. Just as long as he also has an intriguing sense of mystery about him that keeps you coming back for more. Don’t settle for anything less!

  1. He’s completely…

Click here – to go ahead and read the rest of the article at

Are you killing your Inner Game?

Have you ever watched one of those slasher flicks where the characters are obviously walking into a death trap, but don’t know it?

I’m talking about classics like Friday the 13th and Scream, and you just want to yell at them so they don’t the spend the night in that creepy cabin in the woods, or wander off alone to “check on that noise”.

And sure enough, that ax-wielding dude picks them off, one by one.

It’s frustrating as hell. It’s kind of like how I look at a lot of guys – and the way they lay waste to their dating lives without even knowing it.

In particular, I wanted to point out a couple of typical attitude mistakes that I see all the time, like a bad movie cliché.

Learn the Importance of Getting It Together

Ok, this is actually an area of your life that isn’t directly related to dating, but still needs to be sorted out. Otherwise, your ability to attract women will suffer.

I’ve seen plenty of men who don’t make their lives work for them, and it affects their dating lives as well. For instance, there’s this one guy I know who would …