Why Most Men FAIL
To Get Women's Phone Numbers,
And Why She Doesn't Answer
When You Do
And How To Avoid This HUGE Mistake...
Dear Friend:
I want to reveal to you the real reason you aren't getting dates...
This is the missing link in almost every guy's game.
It's so easy, you take it for granted.
You assume because you had one of these since you were a kid, you know how to use it.
But the fact is that NO ONE ever sat you down and taught you how to use one of these.
Not for REAL, anyway.
What is this thing?
This bizarre invention that's probably destroying your love life?
It's Your PHONE.
That's right.
Your Cell Phone Is
KILLING Your Love Life...
Yup, it's not your fault.
You're being c*ckblocked by your fancy little "smart" phone.
My name is Carlos Xuma.
If you haven't already heard of me - I've been showing guys how to get more success attracting women and dating women for over 10 years now.
And here's why you should pay close and CAREFUL attention to what I'm about to show you...
I'm about to reveal a little-known secret that could easily TRIPLE or QUADRUPLE the number of women you date.
These secrets are something I found after over a decade of research about this one little device that eats up so much of our time and attention.
Because chances are, you're one of the guys who doesn't know about these secret ways to get women to RESPOND to you on the phone.
You might have finally gotten the nerve to go approach that really hot blonde you met.
Might have taken a beer or two, but you finally did it.
You started the conversation, and everything went great.
She laughs, you laugh...
You both seem to like each other.
So you go out on a limb and ask her for her phone number.
And That's When It Got Weird...
In fact, one of three problems comes up when you get around to asking her for her number...
PROBLEM 1) She resists or refuses to give you her number.
You ask why, and you get no reason.
Or something REALLY lame, like it's not her phone - she's borrowing it from her friend or something.
But let's assume maybe you do convince her to give you her number...
PROBLEM 2) You get the number and call her, but it's a fake number.
You get a "We're sorry, but the wireless subscriber you've called is no longer active..."
Or some other depressing message of rejection.
Or let's say you DID get a good number.
Then you run into:
PROBLEM 3) You get the number and you call her after a couple of days, but she doesn't answer the phone.
So, you leave a message on her voicemail, but she nevers calls you back. You never hear from her ever again.
Don't you just HATE it when stuff like this happens?
But this is what calling women is like for most men.
It's so frustrating to spend so much time
on a woman when she doesn't even pick up the damn phone!
How did this happen?
Well, step back for a second.
You Have To Understand That
Women Use Phones Completely Opposite
Of How Guys Do...
Guys use a phone in just one way:
Information transfer.
They're looking to either get data or receive data.
A typical conversation for a guy goes like this:
"Hey, what's up?"
"Wanna go to that club on Saturday? Meet some chicks?"
"Sure. What time?"
"Cool, see you then."
Guys just need to find out what's going on - and then get on with it.
Women, on the other hand, want to talk about every little detail and interpret every subtle meaning of every word...
"And I was like... and then she was like... And I said... and then she looked at me in that way... you know..."
So guys use the phone as a TOOL...
And women use it to CONNECT.
Sound familiar?
And THIS Is Where
Most Guys Lose Their Game
With Women...
And it's also why guys fail to meet women and get dates most of the time
You see, it doesn't matter if you're texting, or you're talking, or you're sending some picture, or whatever...
Women have a very specific pattern to how they use phones.
They are Black Belts at using cell phones. Ninjas, even.
You need proof?
How much time does the average woman you know spend on the phone?
And how much do YOU spend on the phone?
If it's like most guys - it's the least amount possible.
And women send more texts than guys do, too.
And those texts that women send are very different from the texts that guys send.
Look - I didn't know any of this until I got my first cell phone and started talking to women more than I ever had before on the phone.
Believe it or not, there was a time when women couldn't let you go to voicemail - and there was no caller ID to tell them who was calling...
Hey, you already know that women need some mystery, right?
If She Knows Too Much About
How Interested You Are,
Your Game Is OVER...
She'll get bored, and you get forgotten.
And now we live in a time where guys have TOTALLY lost their ability to keep things mysterious with a woman.
Or ANY woman.
She knows if you've called...
What time you called...
How many times you called...
If you left her a message...
But the worst part is that women can see tiny signals from how you use your phone to contact her...
And these tiny signals tell her PRECISELY...
1) How interested you are...
2) How easy you are to bait and "hook"
3) Whether or not you're someone she can seriously consider as a boyfriend
4) How "available" you really are
5) How long she can wait to - or if she even SHOULD - call you back
And a whole lot more...
She gets all this information based on how you use your phone.
Look, if I were you, I would be too.
It's hard to believe how much women can tell about us without us saying it.
But they can.
The secret is controlling what you're saying to them * by accident * when you use the phone with women.
I've asked about 1200 guys about this phenomenon over the last 2 years.
And you know what?
Maybe 30 or 40 knew that this stuff was going on behind the scenes.
A few more SUSPECTED it...
But almost NONE of them knew HOW it was happening.
The simple fact remains...
How You're Using Your Cell Phone
Right Now To Get Women Interested
Is Just NOT Working...
It's like a flat tire
Your car could be an $80,000 BMW, but if you have one flat tire, your car can barely CRAWL.
And it's the same thing with your "phone game" with women.
Without a solid understanding of how to use the phone with women, you could be a master at approaching women and still be doing horrible with your
success rate.
And if you're not good at approaching, it gets even worse.
The Dating Game
Is A Numbers Game...
1) Not all women you approach will give you their number.
2) Not all women that give you their number will pick up the phone when you call.
3) Not all women will date you after you called them several times.
If you don't know what you're doing when you try to get women's phone numbers? And if you don't know how to get a date when you call women?
Your numbers game will unfortunately look like the image below:
What you see in the image above are the chances a single guy has with women. These are the chances with women for an average guy.
An average guy like you and me.
Seeing What your Chances Are In Real Life SUCKS Doesn't It?
You almost hate yourself for not being better with women...
But it really isn't your fault.
Besides, I didn't like to see these kinds of results either...
But it's the truth.
This is reality.
If you want to get better at
meeting and dating women you need to play the numbers game.
Either you do something about your chances with women... OR...
your success with women will keep getting progressively worse.
But I don't want you to have to approach more women!
I'm going to give you more results with what you're already doing.
No extra work required.
In fact, you're probably already working too hard for what little you get.
You will HATE yourself if you don't do anything about your chances with women.
But if you do something about it?
You'll get more dates than you can handle.
And The Fastest Way To Have
More Success With Women Is...
Learning how to get women's phone numbers... AND...
Learning what to do with those phone numbers after you get them.
Because getting numbers and getting dates is what the major part
of the dating game is all about.
It's the critical step between meeting her and going on a date with her that you can't avoid.
And if you can't call her or text her to reach her, you're dead in the water.
Just imagine what will happen if you become GOOD at
getting women's phone numbers.
Now imagine what will happen if you become GOOD at
getting dates when you call women as well...
Can You Picture What
Your Chances With Women Will Look Like?
Your chances with women will start looking like this:
When you become good at this, you will DOUBLE the amount of phone numbers you'll get when you approach women.
When you become good at calling women, you will get FIVE TIMES more dates than the average guy will ever get.
Most guys are lucky to get 5 numbers that turn into 1 date per week. (And I'm being REALLY generous.)
And yes... I'm being realistic: having 50-50 odds with women
is easy to accomplish.
Let me share with you ONE fix that you can implement RIGHT NOW
that will increase your chances of getting a woman's phone number.
It's so simple, but it's POWERFUL.
When you get to the point in the conversation with a woman where it's time to get her number,
you only need to say ONE thing.
Here it is - WORD for WORD.
"Hey, it was fun talking to you."
Start to turn and walk away.
Then turn back to her and say...
"You know, you're probably going to start missing me soon. Put your phone number in here..."
(Hand her your phone)
"... and we can catch up sometime."
That's it.
Don't ask her:
"Oh, please, can I please oh please have your phone number so I can ask you out on a date sometime maybe soon?"
Just give her your phone, and make it awkward for her to refuse.
That right there will help with the first step.
But wait.
There's something else you might not know....
The Biggest Mistakes Men Make
When They Call Women -
And What You Can Do To Avoid Them...
I want to tell you about a few of the mistakes that men make when they call women. And I'll tell you why they happen.
MISTAKE #1: Why You're Rejected Before You Get The Number... And What You Can Do To Solve This HUGE Problem
A lot of guys who want to know more about
calling women ask me these two questions:
1) "Why do women give me fake phone numbers?"
2) "Why do women never pick up the phone when I call, or never
call me back after I call them?
Have you ever asked yourself the same questions?
I used to ask myself these same damn questions all the time
when I first started meeting and dating women.
Until I discovered the reasons why women do it...
Because most women who give a fake number have a good reason.
And most women who never call you back have a good reason as well.
Are you wondering what that good reason is?
It's because...
You didn't create enough attraction before you asked her for her number...
I used to ask for a woman's number way too early too.
And what happened?
She would tell me something like:
"I don't usually give my phone number to strangers..."
Has that ever happened to you?
90% of the single men I see whenever I go out to clubs and bars make the same mistakes when they try to get women's numbers.
You don't want to ask for a phone number too early. You need to create enough attraction
first. You don't want to hear "NO", do you?
But there's something else that makes women say "NO" whenever you try to get their phone number. it's the real reason they say NO...
What's the REAL reason women say "NO"
when you try to get their phone number?
Simple: women have what I call the "Stalker Objection."
It makes them say "NO" when you ask for their phone number,
even if they like you. They'll say "NO" even if they're attracted to you.
So, what is the "Stalker Objection"?
When you get a woman's number, call her, and she
doesn't pick up. What do you do when she doesn't pick up the phone?
You call again, and again... and again. You call because you want her to answer the phone. Or you send a whole bunch of text messages.
Women see this as STALKING. Guess what a woman thinks
when you call her too much?
She thinks you're desperate. Desperate men TURN WOMEN OFF.
Women don't want a man that's easy to get. They also don't want
a man who wants ANY woman's love and attention instead of THEIR love and attention.
Being desperate makes a woman think you only like her because she's a woman, not for who she is as a person.
So, she never calls you back because you didn't create enough attraction to begin with...
She Never Calls You Back Because
You Made Yourself Look Desperate...
Here's the reason why I call this
the Stalker Objection:
Most men that don't understand why women don't call them back
try to be persistent and call women 10 times, but it's NOT NORMAL.
Getting angry at women because they're busy is NOT NORMAL either.
Women have experienced AT LEAST 3 to 5 "psycho stalker dudes" that keep calling or texting them for weeks before they meet you.
That's why they hesitate...
They hesitate when you ask them for their phone number.
But can you blame them? Off course not.
I'll show you how to make it impossible for women to have doubts about giving you their number, because you show them you understand them better than anyone.
And that alone creates TONS of attraction...
Let's continue...
Mistake #2: Why The Three Day Rule Screws Up Your Chances With Women... And What To Do About It To Stop It Today
Now you know why much of the frustration of calling women
comes from not creating enough attraction, it's time to dig deeper.
Have you ever heard of what's called
the "Three Day Rule"?
According to the Urban Dictionary the Three Day Rule is:
“A rule to prevent a man from appearing desperate or needy after attaining a girl's phone number that he (just) met. Following this rule, you are to wait 3 days before calling in order to create suspense and appear non-needy.”
I'm willing to bet that you follow this rule. Even if you don't know it.
ALL the thousands men I've helped during
the last 10 years believed in it. They love thinking they're in control...
How many times have you been thinking:
"I need to wait a couple of days before I call that hot chick."
Be honest- How many times have you been thinking this?
EVERYman on the planet believes in the Three Day Rule.
So, I Did Some Research.
The Results Were SHOCKING...
I did my research on sites where people LOVE to talk about dating. Sites like Askmen.com and the forums of dating site Plenty Of Fish.
Here’s what I found:
79% of all women researched say they won’t answer the phone anymore if a guy doesn’t call them within
the first 1 to 3 days.
Only 9% of all men researched say they had success after waiting
3 days or longer before calling women.
Half of those successful guys needed to come up with a damn good excuse when they finally did make the call before the woman would even consider dating them.
That’s why I always say:
Call a woman the day after you get her phone number. Don’t wait longer than that.
Even when a woman does pick up the phone after you wait several days with calling her, she’s not happy about the waiting.
Usually a woman thinks you’re playing games and she will
start to think: "Two can play that game!"
That's When She Decides
To Not Bother Calling You Back...
Or she plays along.
But when it's time for the date...
She never shows up.
Do you want this to happen to you?
Yeah... I thought so.
The system I developed for guys gives you techniques
for calling women after 1 day that create TONS of attraction...
It's the kind of stuff that will make women want to play games
with you. But I'm not talking about games like not answering
the phone. I'm not talking not showing up for dates games either.
I'm talking about how to make women want to
play games with you...
In bed.
Next mistake...
Mistake #3: "Good" Voicemail Messages Don't Exist. Learn Why And You'll Instantly Have More Success When You Call Women
IMPORTANT: Leaving voicemail messages turns women off.
Simple: I don't listen to my voicemails. Not a single friend
of mine checks his voicemail unless it's a call from work.
I don't know ONE woman who checks her voicemail either...
Plus, a woman now KNOWS you called. She sees one missed call from you. But she also sees you left a voicemail message for her.
That means leaving a voicemail message would be letting her know you called twice.
This screams out: DESPERATE!
And you're not a desperate little wussy are you?
I hope not... desperate men turn women off BIG TIME.
This is even more disturbing:
There's this book I saw that
shows you how to leave good voicemail messages for women.
I mean... it seriously shows you how to look desperate.
WTF? Did these guys know that we don't live in
1992 anymore when you were proud you even HAD a voicemail?
So, if you're reading this because you have not found a good system for calling women yet?
Read on...
Mistake #4: Why Most Calls You Make To Ask Women Out Fail... And What To Do About It So Most Calls You Make SUCCEED
Most single guys have MAJOR problems whenever they're on the phone with women:
They stutter or there are lots of awkward silences because they
don't know what to say. Don't you just HATE it when you don't know what to say next to a beautiful woman?
Have you ever had this problem? It's annoying as hell right?
So you'll be surprised to find out that...
It's NOT the biggest problem men have when they call women.
I'll explain with a little story...
I've worked in call centers for 7 years. My job was to sell stuff
over the phone and contact clients to set up appointments. It was that or doing customer service on the phone.
But here's a juicy secret: I started working at a call center on purpose, because I SUCKED at calling women. I wanted to improve so bad.
And I did not SUCK because I stuttered or didn't know what to say.
My problem was that I could not take action. I could NOT get a date out of a phone call. I couldn't get a date out of dozens of phone calls.
I just didn't even try to get her to go out with me. I guess I was thinking it would just "happen."
FACT: NOT Trying To Move Forward
During a Phone Call With a Women
Is a HUGE Mistake...
Have you ever felt like calling a woman was a total waste of time?
Then you may have the EXACT same problem as I did:
You can't get a date when talking to women over the phone.
It's bad enough that you have trouble knowing what to say
when you call a woman, but knowing what to say and STILL screwing up?
That's another one of those moments where you just want to
throw that damn phone out the window.
Don't you just hate screwing up when you call women?
Calling women doesn't have to be this way.
One of the tools I use is "R3"...
"R3" is a technique I "stole" from the many callcenters I worked for.
It gets people to take action NOW.
It gets people to do what you want NOW. And it works on women time after time... after time.
You want DATES after you make some calls, not a dry mouth because you talked so damn much and NO results at all.
"R3" and my system gives you the dates when calling women,
without the dry mouth.
They give you results when you call women.
You'll love seeing the contact list of your phone getting bigger
and bigger because of the women you meet. You'll love seeing
your schedule fill up with date after date... after date.
Let's continue...
Mistake #5: You Don't Know What Texting (Sending Text Messages) Is Used For... Discover How They Help You Attract Women
One of the things I noticed about a lot of guys
is that they become "arrogant".
They think they have "arrived" when they go on a first date, kiss a woman or when they have sex with her.
You think there's no way in hell that you'll lose her.
Ever felt just like it? I know I have.
Women Want To Know If You're Serious
Or If You're a Player Who Toys With
Their Feelings...
And one of the ways she figures this out is how you behave AFTER the date.
9 out of 10 times guys don't follow-up after the date.
Isn't that amazing?
And if you don't let a woman know what you want from her, she'll
start having doubts.
And if she's doubting, then she thinks: "You're a player!"
If she thinks you're a player, you can forget about a second date.
And you can probably forget about talking to her ever again, too.
That's what text messages are for.
I always text women an hour
after the date with one of my "closer texts."
This technique immediately lets her know that you want to see her again - without seeming desperate or pushy. It lets her know
that you have a genuine interest in her.
This Is Just ONE Of Many Opportunities Where Texting Women Works Well...
But you might have more parts you want to fix in this equation.
Like what to say when you talk to her...
Or what to text her...
How to get the date...
How to Seal The Deal.
And that's why I created
The Ultimate Calling Women & Texting Women System.
It's your complete guide to easily multiply your success on the phone with women OVERNIGHT.
There are very few things like this that you can fix this quickly, by the way.
Here's What You Get In My
Ultimate Calling Women &
Texting Women System...

- The BIG secret to why ASKING for a phone number ruins your success
with women. Then it shows you why TAKING a phone number is much better... and you'll see how to take any number you want ...
- How to use my "Stalker Objection" Technique to stop women from saying "NO" when you tell them you would like to have their number. Once you
learn how to use the Stalker Objection "against" women - You'll know
why I always get women's numbers when I ask for them...
- 3 simple, word for word sentences you can use to get a woman's number, ever time. No more fumbling for words and feeling like a fool when you get refused...
- You'll get 3 techniques for writing down a woman's phone number that make her feel insanely attracted to you, and you haven't even called her yet...
- 2 powerful tactics that will tell you EXACTLY when to call a woman. (HINT: It's not the same for every woman, and this is where most guys completely ruin it.) And... at what time of day to call women. If she sees your call, she will pick up the phone...
- I'll show you how to know if a woman is too busy to talk... This test
will tell you if a woman will answer the phone so you'll never have to wait for her to call you back when she's busy...
- Learn the 1 thing you need to do BEFORE calling women that will
set you up for an AWESOME conversation... You'll have
fun and flirty calls even if you're normally quiet or shy...
- Discover the secret of why calling women is like the stock market.
(HINT: it has a lot to do with "investing" principles) and why it's better
to let a woman talk more than you. After you discover this secret,
it will be a piece of cake for you to make women want to go on a date with you
as soon as humanly possible...
- 5 techniques for teasing women on the phone that drive them CRAZY - with desire. They will get crazy over you. When you're done, they will DEMAND to go out with you...
- How to deal with women who flake on you. This takes care
of women who never pick up your call - or never call you back after you leave messages. And it takes care of women who keep saying "NO" when you talk about taking them out. Say goodbye to "phone rejection" for good!
- The 5 KEY parts of ANY successful phone call. After you discover these elements you'll always know what to say. No stuttering or hesitation, or nervousness. You'll be able to easily call women and get a date within minutes. No resistance or head games...
- The TRUTH about how many times you should call women...
- THIS technique gets women to call YOU the first time after exchanging numbers with them. It's the lazy man's trick for getting dates - without begging or pleading...
- What about after you hang up the phone?
6 phone attraction strategies will make a woman call her BFF (best friend forever) to brag about you. And tell her how awesome and sexy you are...
- What to do when a woman calls YOU. This "Rule of 5" lets her wait - AND creates attraction for you -
while you haven't even talked to a woman yet. My friends that I've taught this to call it the "Fight Club" technique - and it works like a charm. It also works completely opposite to common sense...
- 3 KEYS to ANY successful text message conversation. If you have trouble creating attraction using
text messages, THIS is one part of the System that will completely turn your game around...
- Do you know when it's better to call a woman and when it's better
to text her? Knowing this is CRITICAL, because doing the wrong one at the wrong time will RUIN your chances with a woman...
- 3 situations that are PERFECT for texting a woman. And if you miss this window of opportunity, you may never get it again. You'll make her fall in lust with you within minutes. (I learned this from seeing what my sister always does when she's bored...)
- How texting women is the doorway to something much greater: "Text Game Online". You're about to learn how text messages easily let you
meet TONS of women online too...
- Seven strategies for how to send text messages to women. As soon as you start using these strategies, women will literally sit and wait on your next message - just because she CAN'T WAIT to find out what you'll text her next...
- The rules of calling women - the confidence mindset that gets dates FOR YOU. No more calling women and just wasting your time. No more
talking over the phone with no results. Wait until you see how many calls this mindset turns into dates...
- 4 powerful tactics that will get a woman to want to go on a date with you. These tactics will do it all for you without guilting or pressuring women to go on a date. By the way: My Chinese friend Han has proven that
this stuff works all over the planet. He's become the Hong Kong version of Hugh Hefner...
- How to use your phone to test if a woman is going to show up
for a date. Every man hates women who flake out on a date.
It's drives you nuts - but that problem will be a thing of the past
with this simple test...
- The best technique I know to get a SECOND date with a woman
- and a third date, and a fourth... Using only phone techniques - cell phone, home phone, business phone - it doesn't matter...
- How to use my "R3 process" to get date after date... after date.
I developed this secret technique to work with women & dating.
R3 "forces" women to either date you - or feel like a complete fool.
(Guess what? They always choose the date.) You're about to use R3
to get what you want from women whenever you call...
- How to treat the 3 types of girls on the phone. Most men who fail with calling
women don't know that ALL women behave in one of 3 different ways when you call them. If you don't know how to handle each caller type
you can forget about connecting with women...
- The #1 secret to creating a connection with women while
talking to them on the phone. If women don't feel comfortable
around you, they won't take the next step with you. That's why
you need to have a connection with them. This 10-year old "customer service" secret builds a connection FOR YOU...
- How to use my "storyboarding" technique when texting women to make them want more. This one method will can push women into
STALKER mode you with text messages until you finally take them out...
- You'll come up with spontaneously fun and attraction boosting text messages. How? With my "S3™ Method". This Method has been the KEY to my success with texting women. Use it often and the "S3™ Method makes women want to call you to start telling you their feelings...
And more... MUCH much more.
All you have to do to have INSANE levels of success with calling women & texting women is download my system and use the tactics and tips I show you...
It's that simple. You'll love how easy it is. You'll probaby hate yourself for not getting my tips for calling women WAY earlier...
But I can almost hear you think. You have some questions for me:
Why Should You Believe This Stuff Works?
Why Should You Believe That I Can Help You?
I worked in callcenters for over 7 years, and I handled an average of 40 calls per day, every single day. Do you realize what that means?
It means I've done 14000+ calls each year... for 7 years.
I'll do the math for you there... that's almost 100,000 calls I handled.
Why can my experience with selling stuff and helping people
over the phone help you with calling women?
I quickly discovered the stuff that makes people buy from you
on the phone.
And it's the same stuff that gets women to date you when you call them. It's the same psychology at work!
What worked in callcenters, worked with women. Do you realize
what that means?
This means I've had the chance to try every single technique for calling women I could think of thousands of times... every year...
for 7 loooong years.

"I Don't Know Anyone Else Who
Can Talk So Easily To Women
Over The Phone As Carlos Does!"
"He's good. Real good. Especially with women. He always made female customers laugh and forget about what they called for in the first place. He received an average of 2 emails per week from customers giving him compliments... and almost every one of those emails came from the women he helped that week. Carlos somehow mastered flirting with women over the phone. I don't know what he did, but it worked.
I'm kinda jealous. Because I don't know anyone else who seems to have this much conversational skills. And I don't know anyone else who can talk so easily to women over the phone as Carlos does!"
Marcel Jacobs, Team Manager Customer Service At T-Mobile |

I know EXACTLY what works and what doesn't on the phone
with people in general, and women especially.
I know EXACTLY what works and what doesn't when you call women...
And during the last 10 years as a dating coach, I've helped thousands of men approach hundreds of women, and get unimaginable amounts of phone numbers, and go on
thousands of dates.
If not more...
You're about to discover how thousands of average guys
just like you got success with my techniques for calling and texting women.
The Bottom Line Is: Your Results
100% Guaranteed Thanks To My Experience
And I'm about to share ALL the proven techniques that worked thousands of times with you right now.
So ask yourself:
Do you want to get dating advice about calling women from
some guy that CAN'T PROVE that he actually called lots of women?
Do you want to get advice from someone that CAN'T PROVE his stuff actually works with ALL women?
Do you want to get dating advice about calling women from
someone like me: an expert with 7 years of direct phone sales (as well as attraction and influence skills)?
Just to show you how confident I am about my knowledge of
and experience with calling women & texting women...
I want to make you an offer.
Get 3 "Booty Calls" In 30 Days With
My Tips For Calling Women… Or It’s Free.
And here's my definition of a booty call:
"booty call" is a situation where you call a woman to set up a date. You go on the date. And then? Then you have sex
that's better than the sex pornstars have.
After it all? You go home with a BIG ASS smile on your face.
You couldn't be more satisfied. You couldn't feel more like a man.
If this DOESN'T happen to you 3 times during the next 30 days?
Then My Calling Women & Texting Women Program is FREE.
You'll get ALL your money back, 100% of your cash...
And you can keep your copy of the Program.
I won't ask ANY questions. I won't make a big deal out of it. And hey:
you will have your $$$ back as fast as humanly possible.
All I gotta know is that you made an honest effort to use what I show you, right? I mean, nothing works unless you USE it. You know that.
And THAT'S how confident I am that my System can help you get dates by calling women and that it will do that FAST...
And I don't just promise you ANY kind of date. No.
I'm totally confident that my Ultimate Calling Women & Texting Women System will get you 3 booty calls during the next 30 days...
Or it's free.
If you order my Program today, you will get:
1) The Complete Calling Women
Texting Women Ebook (Value: $97)

It gives you every technique that gets women's phone numbers
for you. It also shows tactics that make women answer the phone ANY time you call.
Best of all: it gives you the way to get a woman to go on a date
with you the FIRST time you call her. You'll love how fast this stuff works and how easy it is.
It's almost too easy...
2) Bonus Video: Extra Conversational Tactics For Calling Women (Value: $97)
In this 30-minute long video, I'll show you the secrets I "stole" from many different callcenters and customer service departments...
One of them is the R3™ Method I mentioned before. It's quickly gaining a reputation for being "the ultimate date-getter for when you call..."
R3™ makes you
say goodbye to NOT knowing what to say when you call
3) Bonus Video: Extra Conversational Tactics For Texting Women (Value: $97)

In this 30-minute video, I'll show 2 powerful strategies for sending text messages to women that you won't find ANYWHERE else...
These strategies have almost filled up the memory on a few of my student's phones. THAT'S how responsive women will get to your texting and phone game.
Imagine what your life would be like if you knew that almost every single one of your texts leads to a phone call... and if you knew almost every phone call leads to a date.
What would that do to your success ratios?
I'll tell you: They will skyrocket.
4) Three Unadvertised Bonuses
(Total value: $147)
And after the book and the videos that show you how to
get dates when calling women? There are 3 unadvertised bonuses
for you to check out.
Since I said UNADVERTISED, I can't tell you what the bonuses
will be about. It's a surprise... and I just know you'll LOVE them...
Okay... I'll give you one hint...
but this is all I'm going to tell you...
HINT: More video... including the best ways I know to use your phone as a TOOL for approaching women... and a couple more ebooks on maximizing your game with not just your cell phone, but with online dating.
You'll get the Ebook + the 2 Bonus Videos + the 3 Unadvertised Bonuses when you order the Calling Women & Texting Women Program during the next 24 hours...
For Doing This...
You're getting my advice on calling & texting women AND 2 bonus videos AND 3 unadvertised bonuses.
And if you combine the value of the ebook, the 2 bonus videos, and
the value of the 3 unadvertised bonuses...
The Ultimate Calling And Texting System retails for over $438.00.
So does the Program cost $438.00?
This system DOESN'T EVEN cost $300...
The entire Ultimate Calling and Texting Women System doesn't even cost HALF of that: $150...
It only costs $97 if you order your copy right away.
You're getting a $438 deal for a BARGAIN PRICE...
Yes, you read it correctly: Over $400 dollars worth of advice for only $97...
Why am I selling it for this low price?
Because I'm a "rebel with a cause:" Too many single men in this world of ours fail too many times when they call women.
And even more men fail when they try to get women's numbers.
I want to stop this from happening to ANY man, including you.
I want to fight for a world where all men get as many dates
as they want because they are good at getting phone numbers
and good at calling women.
I truly care about men who can't get a date no matter how hard
they try. because I was one of the "can't get a date for life-ers".
Remember: It's not a COST to you.
It's an investment in the kind of dating life you want. The kind of success with women that you want.
This is one key step between meeting a woman and dating a woman that you can't skip.
And if you're not good at it, your whole game will suffer.
And for what I’m asking for this System...
Could Be The Best Investment In Calling Women & Texting Women You’ll Ever Make In Your Life...
This System might be the most rewarding investment of your life
in meeting & dating women too.
I’m always getting emails and messages on Facebook and Twitter from guys who say:
"I wish I had the Calling Women & Texting Women Program 5 years ago. It would spare me from hearing "NO" dozens of times when I asked for women's phone numbers."
Or in the words of my friend Andrew who used to be PAINFULLY shy:
"I couldn't stop tripping over words when calling women. I was so nervous! And the awkward silences killed almost all attraction every time. But now I always know what to say and I say it with confidence. Problem solved."
So why should you be the only guy not getting any?
Learn more about calling and texting women... just like I did.
And during the first month I used all the techniques for calling women I discovered working in call centers - I got 28 phone numbers and went on 20 dates.
You may get more than this, or you may get a little less...
Even if you only manage to get
half the results I got...
That's still 14 phone numbers and 10 dates.
What if you only manage to get a low low 25% of the results
because you SUCK when you start with the Program?
That's still 7 phone numbers and 5 dates...
What would your life be like if you could get 7 phone numbers
and go on 5 dates month after month... after month?
The Ultimate Calling & Texting Women System is $438 worth of dating advice...
BUT The Program only costs you ONLY $97 if you order today...
How To Get Your System
Right Now...
Click the button below NOW to order your copy of the Ultimate Calling Women & Texting Women Program for only $97...

What About Shipping?
No shipping required. After you click the button above, you'll be taken to the order page, where you'll fill in your information. After you complete the purchase through my secure shopping cart, I'll send you the E-book (Adobe PDF format - readable on any computer or smartphone) You don't have to pay ANY shipping & handling costs when you order my stuff.
Do you have to wait before you can use it?
No. You don't have to wait until my Program has finally been shipped to your home address. You get a download link IMMEDIATELY so you start using
the Program only seconds after ordering it.
365 Day DOUBLE Guarantee

I am so sure of your success with this program I guarantee it 2 times
in 2 different ways:
GUARANTEE 1: If for ANY reason you are not completely
satisfied with “The Ultimate Calling & Texting Women System” – just send me a personal email any time
in the next 365 days for a full prompt refund and I will insist you
keep all of my bonus gifts for you FREE just for giving “The
Ultimate Calling & Texting Women System” an honest evaluation.
Wait – there’s more…
GUARANTEE 2: Simply implement just ONE of the dozens
of practices inside “The
Ultimate Calling & Texting Women System” – and
if you don’t fee that you have improved your game – I will
personally work with you one-on-one until we reach this goal together.
If for some reason I fail (and I won’t) I will gladly reach into
my own pocket and buy "The
Ultimate Calling & Texting Women System" back
from you – and I’ll let you keep the bonuses just for trying
the program.
Fair enough? |
Click the button below RIGHT AWAY to order your copy of the Ultimate Calling & Texting Women System for just $97...

To Your Dating Success,

Carlos Xuma
P.S. You're about to get proven techniques for calling women & texting women from someone with 7 years of real life experience
with calling people day after day in call centers. They're techniques from someone who made that callcenter experience work with women.
And that someone is ME: Carlos Xuma.
You're about to get all my techniques for calling women and texting women. Total value: $438. But you get all of this for only $97 if you order the Ultimate Calling & Texting Women System today only...
P.P.S. Remember: if you don't get 3 "booty calls" in 30 days
with my tips for calling women… it’s free.
Click the button below QUICKLY to order your copy of the Calling Women & Texting Women Program for a low low price of $97...

Read What Others Are Saying...
"I used to think meeting & dating women was all about getting the numbers. Then I read your advice Carlos and you made me realize what an idiot I was. It's like you said: the reason why most men fail with calling women is because they screw up before they call a woman. They screw up before they even get the digits of women. You showed me what to do about it. Thanks so much!
I now finally understand why women give fake phone numbers, why they don't answer the phone, and why they don't call back. These 3 things haven't happened to me again after I got the Program."
-- Jason from Bridgeport, USA
"I recently purchased your Calling and Texting Program. My friend wanted to hook me up with one of his personal training clients. I sent some pics, and asked him to do the same with her. We text back and forth for a few days before I flew out. When we met, IT WAS ON... BIG TIME! Your programs are BAD ASS! "
-- Ray G.
“These are the most powerful insights on calling women I have ever seen.
It's now hard not to get a date when I call women. I've gotten 8 numbers
in the last 14 days... and I've went on dates with 6 women thanks to you!”
-- Sander A. from Brussels, Belgium
"I was a big nerd back when me and Carlos went to college together. I wasn't exactly popular with the ladies. But Carlos motivated me to keep on trying.
He showed me how to talk to women over the phone. He even called women
I met online for me so I could go on a date with them. We've been friends
ever since.
I couldn't stop tripping over words when calling women. I was so nervous!
And the awkward silences killed the attraction every time. But now I always know what to say and I say it with confidence. Problem solved."
-- Andrew H. |
"Before I heard about Carlos, I never even got to the calling women part of
the dating game. I couldn't get women's phone numbers!! I just got so nervous as soon as I tried to talk to a woman.
But I wish I had the Calling Women & Texting Women Program 5 years ago.
It would spare me from hearing NO dozens of times when I asked for women's phone numbers. I'm going on a date later today thanks to you D."
-- Mikey F. from Shelby, USA |
Click the button below to order your copy of the Ultmiate Calling & Texting Women System for only $97:

"These tips for calling women are addictive. I got the Calling Women & Texting Women Program, immediately started reading the ebook and was
on page 13 after 30 minutes. I couldn't stop reading!
I got it because I wanted to keep the attraction going when I called or texted my girlfriend and it does exactly what I hoped it would do. So I guess this stuff doesn't
only work with meeting women, it also works with keeping women hahaha. Thanks for the Program and for always answering my questions Carlos. You rule!"
-- Dave L. from Spijkenisse, the Netherlands |
"When I first checked out the Program, I laughed so hard!
The conversational techniques you use for calling women are so funny Carlos. Women think so too: they work well. They love it every time I call them.
The stuff I've learned is crazy, just like you are! Thanks so much!"
-- Tom Danial |
"I used to have a tough time with being single. I always stayed home during weekends because I didn't get a date even if someone would introduce me to
a girl. But now I'm having a tough time with calling all the girls I get the phone number from. I can't keep up with the number of phone numbers women give me! If someone would have asked me a year ago if I would have this much success with women I would tell them they're crazy.
You're the master of calling & texting women Carlos. Anyone who
gets your Program will agree with me after checking it out."
-- Darryl C. from London, UK |
"Hey Carlos, I love the ebook but I love the first bonus video of the Program even more! Did you know that your R3 technique also works when you're talking to women face to face? Well, it works great for me. I've called women
I got the number from ages ago, but thanks to R3 I have went on 2 dates with women who weren't interested in me before. Awesome dude!
I didn't expect
these results to be honest. I had my doubts after getting an ebook with tips from another dating coach. His advice didn't work at all.
But your advice works Carlos! It's obvious that you have a lot of experience with calling women. I would love to talk to you some more about R3..."
-- AJ from Miami, USA |
Get your copy of the Ultimate Calling Women & Texting Women System right now - Just $97:

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