Category: Attract women

How I Hacked My Brain and Boosted My Self-Confidence

I wasn’t always good with women. In fact, the thought of walking up to a woman and getting her interested in me was absolutely TERRIFYING.

It felt like there was just too much riding on a conversation. I thought to myself, “Oh man, if she knew how insecure I really am, I’m screwed.” Even back then, I knew that women could sniff out the SMALLEST hint of weakness.

And so my brain always worked overtime, coming up with the worst possible case scenarios that haven’t even happened yet. With all that stuff going on in my head, I couldn’t keep my emotions in check.

Consequently, my neediness showed every time, destroying my social value with women. It was a BRUTAL cycle – failing with women, feeling bad about myself, and doing even WORSE the next time.

Sounds familiar?

Win With Women

You’ve probably experienced this too. Maybe the anxiety got to you so much that you ended up as a nervous, tongue-tied version of yourself who couldn’t string a couple of sentences together.

I know how much that sucks because I used to suffer from the following:

  • Wasting countless opportunities to meet women because I was TOO SCARED to try
  • Pushing women away

Use Your Body to Make Women INSTANTLY Feel Attracted to You

When it comes to dating, most of what you say doesn’t really come out of your mouth. The key lies in HOW you say it.

More than that, your whole BODY gives off signals that women pick up INSTANTANEOUSLY.

Here’s the first thing you should understand about women: They have a HIGHLY sensitive radar that will have you figured out within mere seconds.

This is one crippling advantage that women have over us. And this is where most men FAIL because they don’t know how to overcome this handicap.

Take it from a woman’s perspective – if she’s attractive, dozens (or possibly hundreds) of men approach her all the time. It’s literally forced her to develop the innate ability to separate the wheat from the chaff, if you catch my drift.

Win With Women

Getting around her Man Decoder lies in understanding communication, specifically the NON-VERBAL kind.

Like it or not, most women are the MASTERS of picking up on cues so SUBTLE that it flies over most men’s heads.

This is why a lot of guys get shot down even before they’ve made a move.

That’s the thing really – guys don’t realize that women unconsciously detect behaviors based on body language.…

REVEALED: Meet Women WITHOUT Getting Shot Down

Approaching and meeting women can be frustrating, especially when you get MEDIOCRE and INCONSISTENT results.

Most of the time, your chances of getting her number are unpredictable. One minute, you might think you’ve got it in the bag, only to have her flat-out reject you the next.

And the pain of getting turned down is the WORST feeling in the world. Rejection is a blow to the ego, and a lot of men experience one emotional beating after another ALL THE TIME.

But what if you could put a stop to this cycle and FINALLY get rid of that sickening feeling in your gut?

Wouldn’t it be awesome to TAKE CONTROL of your success with women instead of leaving your dating life to chance?

From my own experiences, I know what it’s like to feel POWERLESS in the presence of beautiful women.

Win With Women

Have you been frozen with fear from just thinking about approaching a woman you liked? When you tried talking to her, did your legs feel like they turned into stone?

That’s happened to me more times than I care to remember.

That same mixture of TERROR and HESITATION used to keep me from meeting and dating the women …