Category: Attract women

20 ways to make her leave you!

If you’re left clueless every time your girlfriend seem to be annoyed with the things you do, or not do – or if you’re wondering how to make sure she doesn’t leave you, take a little look-see at the article below.

What they talk about is 20 ways of how to make her leave you…

It might sound confusing to think this way, but you’d be surprised at what this can tell you about your own behavior. And then you’re a step closer to making her happy and contented with you.

Stay Alpha,

– Carlos Xuma


Title: 20 ways to make her leave you!

As we all know, breaking up is hard to do. For the average person, it’s the only time in our lives when we deliberately say something that makes someone else cry. It’s awful. It’s horrible. It’s inhuman. So, how do you get round it? How do you slip the noose without causing pain? Make her break up with you.

Shift that responsibility. Unshoulder that blame. Turn yourself into the injured party and leave her pride intact. With a little cunning, you can easily create a case of constructive dismissal.

How is that to be achieved? …

The Biggest Sign You Have a Chance With Her – and What to do Next!

It’s tough to figure out if the woman you’ve been flirting with likes you or not. You definitely want to make sure you’re not misinterpreting her “nice” gestures towards you – and you don’t want to end up in the Friends Zone.

But, most importantly, you wouldn’t want to pass the chance if she does like you and waiting for you to make your move.

So, how would you know?

Check out this article, the BIGGEST sign will help you figure out if she’s into you – or not.


Stay Alpha,

– Carlos Xuma

Title: The Biggest Sign You Have a Chance With Her – and What to do Next!

There are two questions that I get asked more often than just about any other…

#1: When a guy first meets or goes out with a great woman, how does he know whether he has a “chance” with her?

#2: If he feels like he does have a chance, what should he do next?


All of this uncertainty is caused by one simple fact: once a guy gets the vaguest whiff of a woman who might be interested in him, he usually starts doing almost everything WRONG. His …

Do you have “limitations”?

When it comes to natural limitations, I don’t like to encourage the view that they are “limitations.” Sure, we all have things about us we’d like to be more “ideal” or match some Hollywood expectation. But when you get right down to it, EVERYONE does.

For instance, most perceived limitations come in what I call the “visual variety.” All that stuff we’re told that we should have to be physically attractive to another person, like your musculature, your facial features, or even your hairline.


The one thing that most guys don’t realize is that we men believe that just because WE find women attractive (or not) based solely on appearance, that women are doing the same to us. The fact is that while we should maximize our *image* as much as possible, women are more attracted to our level of confidence and “dominance” when it comes to sexual attraction.

In many ways, this gives men the unfair advantage over women, since their genetics stamped them very early in life. For men, we can actually mold our sexual appeal by our behavior, which is what I’ve been teaching men how to do for over a decade now.

Think of Jack Nicholson. …