Category: Attract women

How To Get Emotional With Women Without Being a Wuss

Feelings: for guys, it’s the final frontier. Let’s admit it – as men, we’re not big on sharing our emotions.

Case in point: Ever notice how many books on self-help for men that AREN’T on the market?

Instead of taking our emotions apart, most of us would rather tinker with our cars or analyze the             socio-political themes in Watchmen.

Now I know there are exceptions to this, so if you like talking about your feelings, then props to you.


But for the vast majority of dudes out there – particularly those interested in meeting women – they’re hurting their game by not tapping into their emotional network.

Starting a conversation isn’t enough; you’ll need to actively engage her on an emotional level.

Otherwise, you might as well be STERILE. Fortunately, it isn’t that hard to trigger a woman’s feelings.

And no, it doesn’t mean pretending to gush over Eat, Pray, Love just to create that spark of attraction.

First of all, it’s OK to actually hint that you like a woman. It’s a delicate rope to walk for sure; being too direct may give away the game and turn her off.

But if you’re not working towards creating sexual …

The Secret of What Women Want In Men

You give your all to make a woman like you, but sometimes nothing seems to make her happy. And you’re left wondering, “What do women really want?”

Here’s an article that can shed a little light on the answer – and remind you of the important stuff that she wants that you might be missing.

Sometimes, it’s so easy to be out of focus when you’re too close to the problem – and you’re concentrating too hard on making her happy.

Stay Alpha,

– Carlos Xuma


Title: The Secret of What Women Want In Men

“What do women want?” many men have wondered. Who knows. But figuring out what women want in men is crucial to becoming effective not only in dealing with women, but developing the kind of Dating Life you really want.

So what do women want from men? What traits do they look for? And why — what’s the reason behind it?

There are three specific traits. And naturally there are also three corresponding reasons why women want these traits in men.

Let’s take some time to explore them in detail…

Ultimately, what women want in men is to have their needs…

Click here – to

How To Meet Women – With No Fear And No Rejection – Part 2

I’m going to give you a quick strategy you can use right now to overcome this fear in your own life. Or, at the very least, help you radically improve your odds of meeting a higher quality woman that will not only make you happy, but she will make you the envy of your friends.

1) Have an excuse

The best way to set yourself up for success is to simply have a reason to talk to her. And make it one that you believe in – because if it feels too “fake” to your subconscious mind, you’ll find ways to talk yourself out of it.


So go ahead and ask her for the time, or for directions, or where she got that incredible tattoo. The excuse you need to say something to her is there, somewhere. You just have to find it.

If you’re in a bar, your excuse is finding out what wine she’s drinking. If you’re in a coffee shop, it’s to find out which blend is the tastiest.

Once she gives you an answer you can transition into a natural conversation.  If she’s open to talking to you more, that’s great.  If she’s not, you haven’t …