Category: Attract women

5 Mistakes Guys Make Early On That Scare Women Away

If you can’t seem to get the first few stages of dating right, read this article and check out if you’re making these 5 mistakes that guys make early on that scare women away.

This should be an eye-opener for you. Stop scaring women away and start attracting them to you.


Stay Alpha,

– Carlos Xuma

Title: 5 Mistakes Guys Make Early On That Scare Women Away

There’s this guy I know who is confident, sexy and can go all night in the bedroom. But when it comes to actually dating women, he never manages to get past the first-month barrier. Instead of forming solid relationships, he continually gets dumped at the same point in every courtship.


When I polled the women he’s recently dated to discover just what the heck this dude was doing wrong, I discovered five pertinent mistakes that he — and so many men in his position — continually make. So, in light of helping you to actually have a shot at dating that hot new girl you fancy for more than a nanosecond, here are my top five mistakes guys make early on that scare women away.

1. Being too…

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10 Ways A Good Woman Will Make You A Better Man

As they say, behind every successful guy, is a woman. Finding her won’t be easy though. But once you do, you’ll find that your life moves forward faster because of it. You never know how much energy you’re using to get laid until you no longer have to work all that hard…


You have to be aware and prepared for when she comes into your life. She might be in front of you and you’re too oblivious to even notice.

To help you out, check this article.

Knowing what a good woman can do will be enough for you to know who she is when she shows up on your doorstep…


Stay Alpha,

– Carlos Xuma

Title: 10 Ways A Good Woman Will Make You A Better Man

As men, we’ve all been there. The relationships where the girl you’re dating brings more drama than happiness to your life. Where her immaturity and jealousy stresses you out. Where you question if being a relationship is even something you want.

I do believe, though, that a good woman will bring many positives to your life.

A good woman will support you in all of your ventures. She will be …

Why do women lie?

As a guy, you must have lied a lot of times to wriggle yourself out of a tight situation. Especially on any that involved being late on your date with your girlfriend.

Or when you’re hiding something from her, or worse… if a guy’s cheating on her.

A survey conducted by OnePoll, a survey-led marketing research company specialising in online and mobile polling, says that men are more likely to tell a lie than women.


And says that a guy would lie to make him look awesome in the eyes of others, like he’s “THE MAN” or the “BIGGER” man in the relationship.

According to the survey, here are the Top 5 lies men tell:

1. I didn’t have that much to drink.

2. Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine.

3. I had no signal.

4. It wasn’t that expensive.

5. I’m on my way.

With all these, you might have successfully made her believed your lies. But, have you ever wondered if she tells you a lie too?

Everyone is guilty of stretching the truth from time to time. No one is perfect.


So, how would you know if SHE is being dishonest?

Here’s how:

Pay attention.

When she’s explaining …