Category: Attract women

Temptation Without Satisfaction…?

He’s also a good buddy of mine and I’m just glad to have him here with us today to share his insights, so take it away G!

>>> Swinggcat:

Thanks ***** it’s a pleasure to be here too, dude 🙂 And yeap, I’d like to talk about a particular “temptation” today…

Specificially… “Temptation Without Satisfaction

The word ‘tantalize’ is a close cousin to ‘flirting’ and means temptation without satisfaction.

‘Tantalize’ comes from the Greek Tantalus whom Zeus condemned for eternity to stand in a pool of water beneath a fruit tree.

Whenever he reached for fruit, the branches rose, preventing him from satisfying his appetite. Whenever he bent down to drink, the water receded, thwarting him from quenching his thirst. Each failed attempt at attaining fruit or water increased his

The story of Tantalus resonated with the ancient Greeks because it revealed something endemic to human beings: temptation without satisfaction rouses desire in all of us.

To demonstrate this, I want you to try a little experiment: Lightly brush your fingers against your arm for a split second. I’m willing to bet you felt a slight urge to itch your arm.

Here’s an …

Kai Zen – The Art Of Con?dence With Women (Cont?d)

Last time we discussed why your foundation may be weak. Business could be good, you may think you have everything under control, but something is not right.

You may have switched into “provider” mode and are focusing on success.

You have stopped the “courting” phase, and your lady is drifting and you don?t know why, or maybe you don?t even see it.

You think you are doing everything right, but something feels wrong.

This goes for whether you are seeing different ladies, or you have found one that you really like and have been together awhile. No matter where you are, the more solid your foundation is, the more solid your game will be.

Kai Zen – constantly improving yourself, can strengthen that foundation and you will be far more aware and in control of your dating and/or relationship status.

If you know something is going wrong, you can ?x it!

Maybe you have been in that situation before, or headed there soon. You may already be there and truly not know it, like I was. No matter where you are, it may not be too late to turn it around. You can not only save a dying relationship, but …

Kai-zen – The Art Of Confidence With Women

Today we’ve got a special article – a guest post from my good friend Spike. Take it away, man…
The concept of “Kai Zen” is based on a Japanese philosophy of constant and never ending improvement, always learning and striving to be better. Broken down, Kai Zen literally means “constant improvement.” This is a very powerful yet simple strategy that has led the Japanese to be titans of industry and a major world power for centuries.
Well, there was that one time they went too far, but we won’t talk about that.
The idea of being a better you, in the world of business, is not new. There is an entire multi-billion dollar industry based on teaching that very thing. Many of you have spent massive amounts of money going to seminarsworkshopsjoining clubs, or simply reading books on the subject. A MAN is judged by his business prowess after all.
But do not make the mistake of thinking that business success equals self improvement.The sad truth is that most of you men will go balls out in your quest for business superiority, yet woefully neglect the very foundation for