Category: Attract women

What Women Want: It’s Not What You Think They Want!

I wrote a newsletter about what women want that is crucial for men to win the dating game. Why? Because what women want differs from what one thinks they want!

So enjoy these insights about what women want. I hope you’ll learn from this newsletter!

This question is gonna sound strange but here goes nothing: what do women want Carlos? I don’t know what women want! I mean..what do they really want from men, the thing that makes them feel attracted to us? Ever read that book women are from Venus, men from Mars? That’s how I feel because I don’t understand women and I know I’m doing something wrong.

You mentioned female psychology here and there, so can you please help me with your insights? I’m so confused about what they want, sometimes they’re hot than they’re cold, than they want this and then that. Really irritating. Whenever I go out I just can’t get 1 phone number and I fail over and over.

Please help!

Thomas, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

What do women want?

Yeah… asking me that makes you sound like a total dumb ass…

But unfortunately, most …

How To Create Attraction With Your Character Traits

Lesson one about how to create attraction with your character traits: you don’t have to pretend to be someone else! Creating attraction doesn’t work that way.

You don’t have to become someone else or pretend to be a clone of me either… a guy who wears a Carlos Xuma mask all his life. That’s fake and I don’t want you to do that.

Creating attraction with your character traits doesn’t have to be like that at all though because it doesn’t require you to become someone else, it asks you to use the tools that were given to you at birth.

Enter genetics. Believe it or not, but you’re trying to learn how to get with a girl thanks to your genetics…


Let’s take a look at meeting and dating a woman from a purely biological perspective: say the male sex wouldn’t get the things that allow us to create attraction at birth, what would that mean? It would mean that we wouldn’t be able to get a mate to mate with and our species would slowly become extinct.

And when you really think about it, you are the result of your father that knew how to create attraction, …

What Is Attraction? Attraction Explained…

A fan of mine asked me: what is attraction? My answer explains what attraction is and how to create attraction pretty damn well, so I’m sharing it with you.

Enjoy this newsletter turned blog post that answers the million dollar question: what is attraction?

Heya D. Thanks for your email about what women want. It cleared the air for me in several ways caus’ I used to have no clue of what’s attractive to women you know. At least I understand the basics now and I’m sure they’ll go a long way in giving me more success in the dating game and I’m definitely going to buy your Simple Inner Game System caus’ I noticed a real difference in how the honey’s respond to me. Thanks for showing the way.

I’m still a bit confused about creating attraction because while you say character trait this and character trait that are irresistible to chicks, they still post their wish lists on dating sites or talk about their ideal man in much the same way. None of these lists contain all of the traits you mentioned, so what am I missing here?

Jack B, Washington DC,