How To Attract Women – First Date Ideas That Rock
Going on a date might seem like the scariest part of the seduction game, but in reality it’s the opposite – provided you know what to do.
I’m going to cover the essential points of the date, and give you dozens of dating advice tips and strategies you can use. Once you have a solid game in place, your dates will practically run on auto-pilot.
Keep in mind that dating and attracting a woman is easy when you have a plan to follow, and these strategies can form the framework of your success.
Don’t set up a date around lunch hours as much as possible. In fact, first dates should be AFTER 6-7 PM – anything earlier than that could land you in the Friend Zone.
It simply takes more work to create a romantic atmosphere before sundown. Plus, night dates create a better opportunity for her to crash at your place (and all that implies).
The women you’re after (i.e. high value ladies) probably have a full schedule towards the end of the week. Since most of us hate Mondays and the back-to-the-grind stress that it creates, avoid this day as well.
That said, …