Category: Voice tone

What does your voice tone do in the dating game? Can you get girls with your voice tone? And if so, how? Find out right now on this very page!

I don’t want to spoil the surprise for you but yes, you can use your voice tone to get girls. Learn more about it inside the blog post below…

How To Use Voice Tone For Creating Attraction (Body Language Examples)

Yes, using your voice tone to create attraction is possible. It’s real, and it’s here! But before I tell you how to use your voice tone to attract women?

Please answer this question about voice tone for me:

Were you ever in a situation where you saw an amazingly beautiful woman, but then DIDN’T approach her because you didn’t know something witty to say, regardless of your voice tone?

Have you ever had those awkward silences where you just couldn’t think of what to say next, then the conversation bled to death… and you ended up beating yourself in the head for hours because you felt so STUPID? Ever had MORE trouble approaching other women afterwards because this fed your insecurities?

I had those painful moments too, until I got to the next level of game because I realized that it’s not WHAT we say that matters…but HOW we say it: how we make the words come to life. Time for voice tone baby!

What’s our tool for making the ‘magic happen’? Our BODIES! And frankly, I felt the need to address Body Language on the blog, because most guys don’t even realize how much mistakes they make in this …