Message To The “Puritan”…
Today I want to address something that is rather disturbing in my opinion: the fact that 99% of men DON’T know the difference between what DEFINES success with women and what HELPS success with women! They go and make the fatal mistake of thinking that things that help actually DETERMINE their success, with a lack of confidence, insecurities and low self-esteem as a result OR they only go for what defines success because doing what helps is a “no no”. So, I’ve just made it my mission teach you guys some true GEMS for advanced game!
But…what DOES define your success with women than?
Most of us know by now that women are attracted to a man’s CHARACTER and his TRAITS: mysterious, selective, challenging, outrageous, playful teaser, funny, good listener, ambitious, passionate, sexual and so on…this is all INNER GAME.
Your way of thinking, your character traits, values & beliefs…so your Inner Game makes your game successful. These are all qualities in a man that enable him to BREAK away from the shallow, average competition…therefore I call them Gamebreakers.
For years and years we have had what I call “Puritans” in the seduction community, mostly Pick up artists who’ve almost …