Category: Inner game

How To Have Your Seductive Mode ON All The Time

There´s a REALLY common question everybody who wants to start learning how to meet women asks me, once they know a fancy pantsy trick here and a technique there and have gotten their mind right..their Inner Game on point. And this question HAUNTED me in my dreams and seemed to follow me wherever I went during the day like a friggin´ STALKER…when I began understanding the art of seduction.

What was this nightmarish question? I´ll tell you what it was…it was THIS ONE: How do YOU manage to stay in your `seductive mode` all day, so you can meet women whenever, wherever Carlos?

And I´d like to answer this question with help from the knowledge of my good friend Wayne Elise, in the seduction community better known as dating guru Juggler. So let´s get down to business, shall we?

Every man and his brother would like to have a state of mind to be able to seduce women around the clock, in whatever way he chooses and wherever they damn want to. In short: that greedy basterd wants it all, everywhere, ALL THE TIME. And I don´t blame him, because especially when you´re just starting to learn how to attract …

The Real Deal Behind Having A Reputation…

Being known for meeting and dating several women: the vast majority of men FEAR it. They’ll think it will prevent their success once girls know he has had many women..because his “rep” will make them see through him before he has even started to talk.

Guys think women will HATE their guts for it; for having dated several women…but that’s typical surface level psychology, and what a MALE would think.

Frankly, I’ve never regretted who I’ve met and dated, not a single friggin’ time – neither have the naturals I learned my game from. And I think it’s time to do something controversial and reveal the ruthless reality behind having a reputation.

Here are 3 hidden truths of female psychology for why having a reputation is a GOOD thing:

– If you had so many women in your past, other females will think there most be something about you that makes you so desirable..because why would all those women otherwise want you? This will feed her curiosity, a girl will want to find out exactly WHAT is it about you that makes you such a big sexual threat. Next to this, being a notorious seducer will also make you come …

True Inner Game

I´ve been away for a while (a couple of weeks)…away NOT as in chilling on some desolated beach with a boobie in my mind, but away as in exploring my deepest thoughts, insights and realizations I´ve had being in the game and did that together with a number of other highly respected PUAs. One of the realizations I had doing this, is this….Inner Game at it´s core is NOT your way of thinking!

Rule #1: There Is NO Such Thing As A “State”

When you first start with the game and are barely aware of what the game actually IS, YOU base your success on how you feel, a.k.a. your MOOD (emotions). Moods swing from day to day, hour to hour which is proven by your ups and downs `lifecycle` and letting your moods define your success means you´ll only know a current, a wave like pattern but it is never TRANSCENDING itself…no, it just goes up for -10 to 10, and than down from 10 to -10 without growth..PERIOD. This is what MANY in the community are experiencing when they’re asking “how do I control my state, because I feel…” WRONG! Your state of mind should never be …