Category: Inner game

Meeting Women Is All About Natural Innocence

I wanted to share this particular forum topic of mine with all of you readers out there, because I think it can mean a GIGANTIC shift in your state of mind.
So…do you dare to join the large fellas?

What IS Natural Innocence?

A man is in a state of natural innocence when he acts without design, trickery or clever routine. His inner nature will cause him to act authentic under all circumstances if his mind is not corrupted by calculated self-interest. His ‘expertise’, is intuitive and unintentional, because it is the open and automatic expression of his inner self, not his conscious mind. The VERY moment he begins to calculate his actions towards outcomes, personal advantages and rewards, innocence ceases to exist. When man’s nature is overridden by his desires and his inner spirit stifled by ambition, he DESTROYS the natural purity of his humanity and becomes capable of all kinds of fronting, masking, fear based responses, lying. And when he finally manages to completely silence his inner voice of innocence, he becomes totally corrupted, for his mind can devise all kinds of justifications for his own self-centered ways. But if he retains his innocence and keeps his spirit …

How YOU Can Live The Game…And NOT Think The Game

Change Or Die?

If you HAD to change, would you? Most people, even when faced with DEATH (with an illness that’s going to cause death), WON’T change. This is because we get stuck in habit patterns: stuck in ways of thinking, stuck in our environment, stuck because of our friends and associates, stuck because of the influences around us. So break out of that comfort zone, get yourself to a new level of thinking. I want to pull your mind up out of its ways of thinking, but you have to ask yourself… Am I willing to change? Am I willing to grow? Am I willing to commit to it, commit to myself? If you are…then this part of the session maybe the MOST important thing you’ll EVER learn.

Getting Our Power BACK…

The most important question to answer in life is this one: is the universe a friendly place? People who don’t believe that the universe is a friendly place, don’t have success. They think they’re unlucky, they think that they’re poor, they think that they’re going to fail, that the universe is NOT friendly. Do YOU feel this way? That something is working against you? If that’s the …

Limiting Beliefs: The Outcome

Ever thought of how in the HELL you would pass that difficult exam during college? I know I did.
Were you ever stressed to the LIMIT about how to make a good impression during a jobinterview for the…‘job of a lifetime’?

Off course, we’ve ALL been through these kind of situations. In fact I know a lot of men, BOTH those succesfull with women and those that are unsuccesfull with them, that just CAN’T seem to get to that next level. They FAIL to make that one little step up on their way to bigger game. The reason for why many people fail to go to the next level with certain aspects of their life is by getting too bothered about the OUTCOME : limited believing the end result and attaching ALL of their self-worh to it.
I’ll give you an example of what I mean by this right now:

Say your name is Kobe Bryant, and you and your Lakers really want to win from the Celtics this year. YOUR team wants to claim that prize. In fact, they haven’t claimed that prize for so long that the Lakers actually NEED it, crave it, and they absolutely MUST make …