4nim4ted Column – Juggler Method Under The Microscope Part II
Dude! Welcome to the second part of my column series that explores the basics of Wayne Elise’s Juggler Method. I don’t really like big introductions, so let’s continue where we left on in the first part alright?
Juggler Method Basics: Relate And Reward
Hey guys, glad you are still with me. I see D has put up my field report. I originally thought it was terrible, but honestly I was pretty satisfied. I got better at opening and just having great conversation. One important fact for all you wannabee PUAs out there. Don’t do this unless you’re having fun. Otherwise it’s useless. You will be a creepy weirdo with a brain full of material that tells you theoretically what to do. Don’t become a Keyboard Jockey. I can’t stress the importance of going out in field and fucking up. You can read blogs and material all day long. You can memorize all the cool NLP and routine based stuff all you want. And you can challenge me to a pick up match. I will comply and destroy you with my subpar interactions. Not because I’m any good, but because you will be very bad.
Anyways, here’s what’s been up in my life. People ask me why I advocate Juggler Method so much, and I finally have a legitimate answer beyond “personal preference.” I work there now so uhh yeah. Intern. Catch me around in the forums.
That being said, my time will be super limited to writing for this column. I will do my best, but don’t be upset if I’m a little slow on the uptake. I have school again in two weeks and on top of that I’m writing for the Charisma Arts Wiki. Busy busy. Busy.
Anyways, this is a continuation of my previous series: Juggler Method Under the Microscope. Today we are going to talk about Relate and Reward: Making A Personal Connection. So here is the situation.
You have just opened and are now chatting with a girl. Great right? Well it’s only good up to an extent. When you open you are in platonic mode. You are talking about things like her shoes, her sexy woman handbag, and even her nose-job(don’t do this). People only like talking about platonic things for 45 seconds top. If you are still in platonic she will lose interest and leave. Who wants to keep talking about things? They will think you are a stalker. That’s just the way things are. Humans are probably the most egocentric creatures on the planet. That is good for us PUAs, if you will. The only way to keep someone interested is to make the conversation about you and her. In other words you need to transition from a platonic to a personal vibe.
How do you transition from a platonic to a personal vibe? You escalate the interaction.
Say she gives you something about her that you find unique or like. Immediately, you escalate by telling her WHY you are escalating, then what you want to after. Escalation does not have to happen on something deep she says. For example: Let’s say a woman simply smiles at you, or says something funny.
Her: (Smiles)
Me: Hey, I like your smile. It’s been a while since someone showed me their teeth. I would like to sit down and get to meet you.
Her: (Jokes)
Me: Hey you’re funny. I like that. It’s been awhile since someone told me a good joke. Let’s sit down over there for 5 minutes and you can tell me more of them.
The key is explaining why. If you escalate without a valid reason you come off as needy and kinda creepy. But if you escalate on something she did, it makes sense to her brain.
“Oh he likes me because of something I said or did.”
A relationship must constantly be changing or it will grow stale. Hence escalation is necessary. In an interaction there are “escalation windows,” periods where one has to escalate or risk the losing the girl’s interest. The window will be open but not forever.
Note: this is the opposite of what indirect methods preach – the indirect guys have, as their burden in life, to keep people entertained for a while with talking about random stuff. I’d rather have a two-way conversation, because doing all that giving without getting anything back, isn’t fun for me.
If it takes you forever to get personal, you may end up doing it when she’s done nothing to deserve it. This makes your value plummet. People only value things they feel like they’ve earned.
When do you escalate?
Escalate on a high point. Not your high points but HERS.
If she just told you a great story about her life, it’s time for you to reward and escalate.
1. She puts in the effort
2. You reward her (By listening, relating, kino, etc)
3. Escalate
If she makes the effort, she gets the reward. If this isn’t in-depth enough, please feel free to email me. I will clarify to the best of my ability.
For best advice, join the CA Forums. Instructors there personally answer your questions. Just don’t go in there and spam Mystery’s shit. Juggler is the Anti-Mystery.
For the end bit I’m including something special.
***NOTE*** And if you want to get your hands on more nuggets of gold that’ll INCREASE the attraction you create with beautiful women…almost overnight…then check out the already infamous Inner Game newsletter
These questions were posed to Wayne on a recent Juggler Method seminar of his. I’ve included a few of them for clarification.
Q: If you reward her for something you don’t like, is that supplication? (If she tells you to fuck off, etc)
A: In general, no. We want to show that we’re truly ok with whatever response we get from people, because that’s alpha and non-approval-seeking. Being okay with her lack of approval is more powerful than whether you’re supplicating. (eg, “I really like how you called me a motherfucker. Wow.”) She’s still making an effort and you have to escalate!
Q: Is staying in the interaction implied escalation, or is verbalization implied?
A: It’s important to verbalize it and accompany the escalation with appropriate body language and voice tonality. You need to truly sound/be interested in tone, and work the kino into it. You can even lean in a little bit.
Q: Can you reward too much?
A: It has to be believable, it has to make sense. A girl knows that if you’re standing there and keeping the conversation going, you’re interested in her. If you don’t give her a reason why you’re interested in her, she’ll peg you as low-value!
Have fun with life,
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