8Mod Column – Nine Inch Nails
Hi everyone, this is D here bringing you the latest and greatest Field Report by our very own Forum Moderator. You’ll see two people talking here but don’t worry…I am NOT having an identity crisis dumb and dumber, I’m giving my views on his field report! Let’s get to work…
Ok D ive been working on a 9 and its got my head in bits I swear… she uses c&f more than I do!!! Im playing one hell of a game but Im fearful I gonna fuck everything up!!!! Its like you know how we say game works best on the hottest girls so I really trying to bring my A GAME TO THE FIELD!!!
Quick Preview…
I met this HB9 one night I was so very very drunk and showed her a quick cigarette lighter trick I often use… We decided to keep in touch through social networking…but My bad D but next day I woke I didnt remember her name… met her a month or two later and started sending her PMs and would not add her as a friend(I still havnt and she hasnt added me!!!!)
Hadnt seen her in 2-3months and I met her 2weeks ago on a Saturday night, with one girl from my social circle so things were going well and had an extremly graphic sex convo with the 2 girls but I couldnt isolate as the 2 girls were out together and I hadnt anything close to a wingman only AFCs that tried to jump into convo but they only fucking things up!!!
So hb9 is really superficial and im busting her on everything… I give her a compliment and bust her again… just try push-pull stuff and its going OK, I start paying more attention to my friend-shes a 7… and start saying how I text her the last day blah blah… then HB9 S like… have you my number… I ignore it… she asks again do i want her number..
I tellher how shes gonna be calling me all the time… etc…
again she asks if i want her number so I say HB9 do you want to give me your number so I type it into my phone and call her numbe….She answers her phone like… Hello…whos this… so im talking to her and she doesnt realise its her so once she realises me and her friend are laughing our asses off… and i bust like hell on her!!!! after a bit more chat, I decide Im not gonna hang off her like I presume MOST GUYS do so I head to the club and I know thats where they’l be going… So I meet my friend and she tells me hoe HB9 just got a phone call and her boyfriend just broke up with her and shes after leaving…(First iv heard about a boyfriend to be honest!!!)
> Carlos < Hey...I've had situations, even nights, where I couldn't even remember one, single name of alll the people in that place...while I came there with them LOL. But one I don't get: you decided to stay in touch through social networking...and met her a month or two later? What happened here? I see a missed opportunity there. You see, most women (I would have too!) mellow out after a couple of weeks of you and her meeting and you not making a SINGLE move on her. She'll either think you're gay, not interested, but most often: that you're a WUSSY who's living in quiet desperation until she says the words: "take me now!" After a few days she'll think you're playing games, but after weeks, even MONTHS? She will a) at some time think it's never going to happen and b) she will have TOTALLY forgotten all about you...but you could have scored MAJOR points with Online Game a long time ago... The fake phone conversation was a COOL move though, it's always SO hilarious when they buy into it! But again, I see missed opportunity. By now you already HAVE her phone number, and sure you don't want to come off needy, but one of her girls actually TELLS YOU that her boyfriend broke up with her...THAT NIGHT? Ding ding ding! She already likes me, there's attraction and she could really use some fun because she just broke up...I should be that fun! You really did your thing when it comes to getting the number and making fun of her for it, but the "end logistics?" You dropped the ball when it comes to that one my friend =) > Carlos <
***NOTE*** There are TRUCKLOADS of hidden gems just like these crammed into every corner of the monthly Win With Women 2.0 e-zine, which is bigger, better..and the field reports are much more of a bad ass than these on the blog AND the friggin´ Hulk!
I decided I wasnt gonna text her until Monday evening,so got home Sunday evening and she was after texting me… after I told her she missed a great night(it was actually a boring night) and how she was supposed to buy me a vodka!!!
She started going on about breaking up… I decided most guys would be all sweet and nice to her so I said how bet she was crying all day and lazing around with chocolates and trien to keep it funny but a little less cocky….
MY ERROR: She didnt reply after a few messages!!!!
MY ERROR 2??? I waited until Wednesday to text her again and bust on her with some c&f (She asked me would I come clean her room-were in complete different cities… so I said Jesus you’l try anything to get me into your room,lol) I think she called me “strange”:) but I stopped texting her this time…
> Carlos < You remind me of ME, you really do. You see, when I first started in the game? The one, SINGLE thought that was running through my mind at CHEETAH speeds was: do NOT be needy! Instead, be cocky, be funny! I was thinking it until it became an obsession, and the ONLY thing I was trying to do was not being needy and being cocky & funny 24/7 a day, 7 days a week... And guess what happened? A) My always having my guard up because I never wanted to move even an INCH towards being needy AND because I thought I needed to have a witty reply to everything I said...THEY were approachable, but I was NOT: I never let them approach MY status level. The result: scaring them away because I was TOO hard to get... B) By always AVOIDING vulnerability (I believed this was "NOT being needy"), I was actually BLIND for MAJOR opportunity knocking at, screaming in front of and almost DESTROYING my door! Guess what you were doing? Being blind too...dude, she literally ASKED YOU to come and "clean up her room" (which is backwards rationalization for I like you a lot, lets have sex and this is my logical explanation for it), and what did you do? You SHOT your game into an early grave with her! Dear Eight, she was inviting you to come see her and have sex with her, so if you WOULD have replied with setting up a meeting, you would have had one HELL of a night...but you tried to be higher status than her at the wrong time. The result? You killed your chances, BIG TIME. This is the second time I see a woman almost THROWING herself at you while you're not seeing it...do you realize that? You should practice seeing the VERBAL signals of her interest WAY more than you're doing now...and off course I'll help you with that! > Carlos <
Last Saturday night:
I was out for my friends 21st birthday(great night) #closed and kiss closed a hb6.5- would be a 7or 8 but her nose wrecks it for her… but anyway I got home about 5.30am and was just getting into bed when my friend-HB7 rang me… wondering if I wanted to go for a drive with them-they wanted cheering up cos of some blah blah fighting crap or something… so I took them to 24hr shop and I bought chips and dips(my error3??) but hb9 rang a guy friend cos he lives near where we got food and he invited us up… so I befriended hb9s friend and managed to score a beer and some cigarettes!!! so hb9 was getting bored and told me lets go… i told her i was after making loads of new friends and wait for a while… we stayed for another 15minutes and when I was ready to leave we left…
On our way home I told hb9 to drive to this view point but it was all cloudy up there so kinda fucked things up again… So my skills at getting 2girls into a 3some with me are unfortunatly non existent but I think the girls are actually cousins anyway so we left and HB9 DROVE PAST my road and I didnt say anything… I dunno was it accidental or maybe she wanted to get rid of hb7 and drive me home aftre but hb7 told her turn around and drive me home… hb9 seemed like she genuinely forgot so not gonna take that as an ioi… but had a few texts with hb7 yesterday just having a laugh but havnt text hb9… yet….maybe tonight….
Anyway D i know thats a brief report on my situation but wondering what you think…
> Carlos < Well...NOW you know! Until we meet again...I hope you've learned something from my comments old friend. > Carlos <
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