PUActive Column – Sleeping For Seducers & Diets For Daters
Have You Noticed How Some Of Your Habits Limit, Or Worse: PREVENT, You From Having The Success With Women & Dating YOU Want? Well…Get Ready To Say Goodbye To Those BAD Habits…This Column Might Be The Most Important Column you’ll EVER Read…
Have you…ever felt stressed, DEPRESSED even, because you can’t cope with everything that’s happening around you? That the game seems to…move to fast or to complex for you to follow and that you need EVERY bit of alertness, just to keep track of where you are now and what to do next?
Have you…experienced when it was REALLY early, or really late, when you were going to work/school or going back home…that you saw this beautiful woman but you were too TIRED to think of a way to approach her successfully? And that you hit yourself in the head for it for hours, sometimes days even, because you need to seriously improve your alertness before sooner or later EVERYTHING will go by you?
Have you…ever felt like a nasty, filthy little man or looked unattractive because you’ve been eating and drinking the WRONG things, slacking on your personal hygiene? And that when you see a beautiful woman, you just feel to UGLY to approach them?
Have you…ever had that situation where you were talking to someone, and your eyes just could NOT stay opened, although you were interested? That your eyes BURNED and filled up with tears when trying to hold eye contact, just because you were so freaking TIRED?
Have you ever had one of these things happen to YOU?
I sure experienced them often in the past, until I realized something: there was something WRONG with my eating and my sleeping that I needed to fix! Whenever I would eat well and have a good night’s sleep? I would win with women, be ON FIRE when approaching a girl: I would think of all these witty things to say right there on the spot, I would be able to hold eye contact for as long as I liked and ALWAYS won the ‘eye contact war’, I could move smoothly through any place and even WITH a girl and it allll seemed so natural, so genuine.
But guess what happened when I started going to bed REALLY late or at irregular times? Whenever I drank coffee and went to bed soon after? DISASTER. I would be so tired that I only managed to say either hhmm..or regular, uncreative total boringness because my mind felt just EMPTY. And my eyes? My eyes would HURT, they burned when trying to maintain eye contact until they filled with tears because of the burning…which is off course NOT promoting your pick up if you talk to a girl and she sees you’re starting to ‘cry’, lol! And when I ate whatever I felt like eating? Burgers and fries from Mc Donald’s, greasy chicken from KFC? I KNEW I would have to become best friends with Clearasil because of the zits, I would grow a little tummy if I wouldn’t train, etc. and this made me feel VERY unattractive, insecure even…it HURT my confidence.
So…it’s time YOU stopped hurting your confidence, your game, because of little things like these! Take responsibility for your life, take CONTROL of your life, and establish a pattern of small achievements which will, I guarantee you, snowball into MASSIVE change. So let us take a look at how we can deal with our EATING and SLEEPING habits (the bad habits), so we’ll be more alert, feel fresher, and BE more confident when living the game.
I now give the word to two of my close, personal friends…LoveJunkie and Chameleon of PUActive, who wrote this column about health and wellbeing for everyone out there:
One of the GREATEST problems in the modern world is obesity. This epidemic is a direct result of overeating sugars, fats, carbohydrates and not exercising enough.
There are obvious lifestyle changes one can make to AVOID obesity and live a generally healthier life. For example, you can join a gym and exercise more. Eat LESS junk food and cut down on the amount of food you eat in a meal, BUT there are other factors involved which can often be overlooked and which can ENORMOUSLY decrease the enjoyment you get out of day to day life.
Another major problem for people is LACK of sleep. Sleep is extremely important for exercise AND coping with depression, stress and general happiness. We will cover some helpful tips for better sleeping patterns in a minute, but first…
Diet. While this is a HUGE topic and one which we can’t cover completely, there are a few ground rules which need to be set in place. Don’t let the term ‘diet’ FOOL you into thinking you are going to be eating only celery and ice cubes though, lol! Diet simple refers to WHAT you are eating. Body builders eat huge amounts of calcium, carbohydrates and protein 5-6 times a day because they are using large amounts of energy and working major muscle groups, requiring the right nutrients and food to keep their muscles developing. To lose weight, a person NEEDS to eat less food then the amount of energy they use in a day. For a healthy, natural diet a human needs to eat two serves of fruit, five serves of vegetables and two serves of both protein and calcium. While sugar and fats are essential in a normal diet, they can be consumed through sources such as beef, yoghurt and fruit.
Now, we want to talk about a few routines you can start doing THIS WEEK!
They will help YOU to get you motivated into being and STAYING healthy. Here are a few GREAT tips to start yourself a PUA Diet!
– Keep a record of what you eat every day for AT LEAST two weeks
– If you jog in the mornings when you wake up, DON’T eat before you go out. This helps to force your body into chewing up body fat.
– Eat 5-6 times A DAY if you are working out a lot, and if you don’t: eat a large breakfast.
– Try to find out how much sugar and fat is in packaged food and write it down.
– Drink PLENTY of water. At least a 1.5 L a day. Water HELPS to regenerate lost energy and it cleanses the body and thus decreases the need to snack.
– While exercising you will need more water. Try for 2 L and a sports drink that has sodium in it. Sodium is lost through sweat and should be replenished if you want to stay out of trouble!
– Try to cook MOST of your meals. Buy some healthy cook books.
– Cooking a number of meals on the weekends or when you have a few spare hours, and then freezing them can save STRESS and TIME later on in the week, when you come home late and can’t be bothered cooking.
– An easy pattern to get into is NOT buying takeaway. This can be expensive and will not always be healthy: think of the greasy KFC, Mc Donald’s, Burger King type of foods. So try to avoid takeaway foods high in oils and fats.
– Eat PLENTY of broccoli, it can be cooked almost anyway and is one of the best foods in the world when it comes to health!
– REMOVE the fat from meats such as lamb, chicken and beef. Only eat a small portion of meat in your meals. Meat is hard to digest and can take several days. Overtime this CAN cause health issues like cancer.
– Fish is an EXCELLENT source of omega 3 oils and eating one or two serves of fish weekly can reduce the risk of a range of diseases, such as childhood asthma to prostate cancer and also decreases the risk of heart disease and stroke.
– Eat LOTS of rice, pasta and legumes (lentils, beans etc.) after exercise or workout. They are high in fiber and carbohydrates and are GREAT for building muscle.
***NOTE*** And if you want to get your hands on more nuggets of gold that’ll INCREASE the attraction you create with beautiful women…almost overnight…then check out the already infamous, monthly Win With Women 2.0 e-zine – you can subscribe to it from a sidebar.
And what about SLEEP? Sleep is extremely important for a number of reasons. After a workout your body needs to repair the damaged tissues and muscles you focused on. This process uses lots of energy and requires around 8 -10 hours of unbroken sleep. Stress AND depression are linked to lack of sleep and thus your health in general can be DRAMATICALLY affected by your sleeping patterns. EVERYBODY experiences some type of sleep problem, be it insomnia or just trouble falling asleep. Some things you can do to help attain a regular sleeping pattern are:
– Get into a regular bed time PATTERN. Simple isn’t it? Get up early and go out into the sun or open up the blinds, because sunlight stimulates the body and helps to wake YOU up.
– Regular exercise. This will help you sleep, BUT if you exercise vigorously before you go to bed you can cause sleep delays. A good time to exercise is during the day, mid-afternoon or early evening.
– Forcing yourself to sleep is NOT going to work. You should aim to go to bed roughly 10 hours before you need to get up the next morning.
– Try to AVOID going to sleep too early (or you’ll wake up too early and have a problem there)
– If you can’t fall asleep, get out of bed and go into another room. Turn the lights on and grab a book or watch some TV, drink a warm glass of milk and make sure you are WARM. After 30mins, try to go back to sleep.
– Napping should NEVER be a substitute for poor sleep. DON’T take afternoon naps during the day, they will leave you partially refreshed but make it harder for you to fall asleep later on.
– Smoking, alcohol and caffeine ALL reduce quality of sleep. Caffeine takes hours to go through your system, avoid coffee after lunch and DEFINITELY don’t drink it after 5pm. Try to eat your evening meal 4 hours before you go to sleep, this gives time for digestion to settle.
– A light snack before bed is suggested as this keeps hunger at bay and ALSO aids muscle growth. Go for carbohydrates or even a protein drink but avoid sugars and meats.
I hope that I’ll help YOU achieve success in multiple areas of your life and this colum here today? Is just the first step. I want to give you, my dear reader, the TOOLS you need to get all the negative details that are working AGAINST you…OUT OF YOUR WAY. Think about allll the bad habits a man can have: eating, sleeping, drinking, personal hygiene issues (such as grooming, shaving, etc.), a bad taste for fashion, etc.
So join ME, LoveJunkie and Chameleon for a NEW column about personal hygiene next time: to shave or NOT to shave? Body hairs, grooming and hairstyles… and what will make a woman think you’re SEXY, and what will make her see you as a hairy BEAST or outdated LOSER? You’ll find out next time at Win With Women!
To More Dating Success,
Carlos Xuma
Win With Women
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