Time Management & Women: The Secret Of Beating The Clock EVERY Time
The Secret Of Beating The Clock…EVERY Time
Most of us regular guys are either working or going to college, living the 9-5 fulltime lives during the week. We spend most of our week either working or studying ALL day long…and when we’re finally done and get to go home? We still need to GO there – travel. Same thing in the morning when we’re all tired, sleepy and grumpy. And once we ARE home? The ‘day-to-day life party’ is still NOT over: when we’re in school we have our homework that needs to be made, when living on our own we have the groceries, the laundry, doing the dishes, etc. We also want to do some sports now and then, you know…stay fit? But after we go through allll those routines, we’re finally ready to pick up some women, look at the clock and…BAM! Only a few hours left before we have to go to bed again so we’ll wake up on time for the repeating of the routines. In the weekends? Yeah we may go out, but we STILL have to do some of those routines. This my friends, is the TOTAL comfort zone. Why? Because a limited timeframe is just that: a limited…BELIEF!
Frankly, most guys SUCK at handling their time efficiently and what’s worse is that humans tend to routine their actions a lot by nature…but we’re ‘routining’ the WRONG actions! So how DO we manage our time better?
The SECRET Of ‘Pimpin’ Your 2 Do List…
Write down a Top 5 of locations you use the MOST of your time, and the most number of times while doing it. Example: I work 32 hours a week, so my number 1 is the customer service department because I work there, I’m there 4 times a week. At number 2, I have public transportation: the half hour train trip I have to take to GET to work and to get home…so that’s 2 times a day and thus 8 times a week. My number 3 is groceries and other shopping: I need to get my food and beverages so I can survive, I need my personal hygiene products so I won’t look like a wild beast (lol!), etc.
I used to think of these locations as I need > I get > I do or go, and as such I thought of it as a WASTE of my time. But then I looked around and saw ‘windows of opportunity’: The colleagues at the physical work location, people and colleagues that I need to complete my tasks (from other locations, other businesses, etc.), the people I see around me while travelling to … (in this case: work), the people that WORK at the places I do my groceries and shopping AND the other shoppers, the people that work out at the same gym I do AND people from other gym’s. My point here is: use the ‘must-see locations and actions’ … to YOUR ADVANTAGE! Need to do your homework? Do it WITH other people. Need to work out? Try free lessons at different locations AND chat up the people at each location, get yourself some workout buddies (or better: lady friends), etc.
Open your eyes and SEE there are a LOT of women in the places where…YOU need to be! Since you need to go there anyways? USE THEM! If you don’t exactly know how to approach a girl in say, the supermarket, excersice some questions and answers, some interactions you could possibly have there when you’re by yourself. The reason why I say this is: most men spend MORE time preparing their job interviews, then they spend on preparing for the lovelife they want to have that will last them a lifetime! All these ventures on our ‘2 Do list’ mostly fall in the category of Day Game by the way, so that’s why I’ll write an article on it a.s.a.p.
How YOU Can Pick Up Women…WHILE You’re Busy!
But…how do I pick up women WHILE working or at school? Well…if you only have to deal with one work location? I strongly advise AGAINST picking the women there up, because you might end up in trouble out of it: sexual harassment charges, gossip that reaches the bosses too…unfortunately I’ve been there years ago. In case of going to school you have LOTS of women there (but still some gossip) so that shouldn’t be a problem. But if you’re REALLY busy working/studying (totally occupied and stuff), what to do THEN? Simple…make use of your occupied time! What the f*…you say? I’ll say it again: USE your occupied time! How? Long live the internet my friend. If you make a profile and send messages to women when you’re FREE? It has STILL been sent when you’re BUSY. In other words: they can reply to your messages WHILE you work/study! And BECAUSE you’re busy? You seem less needy when you reply to THEIR reply because you’ll reply later, which increases the tension being created, and so forth. So…make use of your occupied time too! A few tips tricks:
– Find yourself a networking site that is big in your country/city: facebook, myspace, hyves I dont know WHAT you guys have, but SIGN UP! Also look out for city/province forums: a LOT of cities/provinces have there own community websites. Next, go make yourself a compelling profile: throw in some youtube video links of music women will like, fill in your event calendar with some events they like, make an interesting blog about how women are, put some funny and suprising photos on there (of you on various locations with various people including girls, you making funny faces, etc.) and voila!
– Most of these sites have a search function, so go search the towns you just mentioned and anything that takes max. two to 2,5 hours to go there and another 2 to 2,5 to get back (otherwise it will be just impossible to frequently visit). Message everything from a ‘okay looking girl’ to a ‘Jennifer Lopez killer’. Why? I’ll get into that in the Online Game section of the blog.
***NOTE*** And if you want to learn more insanely effective tools for meeting women ANYWHERE, whether it’s on the streets, online or somewhere else..and build gargantuan amounts of chemistry with my easy-to-use “bag of tricks”..then I highly recommend you check out the Win With Women 2.0 e-zine
The POWER Of Befriending Females…
Remember what I told you about messaging everything from the okay one to the STUNNING goddess? I can hear you thinking right now…why did he say that? Let’s just say I used to work 12 hours a day, 5 days per week once…and I HAD to figure out a way to make the most of my time and location. You see, most guys have limited beliefs EVEN about their own game WHEN they’re becoming successful.
Ever thought to yourself: I didn’t get the girl tonight,no results to show for my good game, damn…I SUCK? Have you ever experienced the feeling that when you try to practise your game…you just have this SHITTY, tiny, dwarf-sized playground to play around with it in? I know I did. Until my eyes were OPENED. I’ve experienced the most success with women and dating, when I structured my environment to give me the HIGHEST probability of success! By creating the right circumstances FOR picking up women, before I even went out and approached them!
Two things you already know thanks to reading the above…but WAIT…there’s MORE. Women have friends. Women have female colleagues, classmates, relatives, friends, friends of friends, familiars, ex-colleagues, ex-classmates etc. etc. Women are THE most social creatures, and I just CAN’T name one who does NOT know dozens of people…even when she herself is a total freakshow like a gothic, a wannabe rapper slash junkie or whatever! They ALWAYS know people, duhhh… you do too! So why not create a social circle out of the women you can’t date? And with that I mean women that don’t suit YOUR demands, needs and expectations, and NOT the arrogant snobby ones who feel like they’re better then everyone else. But to give you an example: just with my online game alone I’ve met HUNDREDS of women during a couple of years. Some were date material, some creepy (LOL!), some too desperate and some just not compatible. Let’s say that 1 in 10 was date material, and the other NINE weren’t. If you look at picking up women from a normal perspective? It would mean you would only have ONE result for every 10 closes. But I had WAY more then that. How? The total psycho’s I off course kicked out of my life, but that left me with about 7 in 10 I befriended myself with. They introduced me to female classmates, relatives, colleagues etc. and I introduced THEM to male classmates, relatives, etc. and I got MORE dates out of THAT, then out of my own approaching! Even better: because the girl you know played the matchmaker, the girl you get introduced gives you less of a hard time because she knows ‘her girl’ only hangs around with cool people. Hundreds of women just with online game alone, 7 out of 10 I befriended. YOU do the math! I’ll get in-depth on creating & maintaining a female mastermind group in a future article…but let me briefly give you some benefits here: if you take care of them then they will take care of YOU (introduce them to a cute boy and they’ll introduce YOU to someone they think is cute), help them better their relations with boys and they’ll help YOU better your relations with girls (they’ll suddenly start to admit all these sexual secrets, women’s fantasies, what THEY think is jealousy/compelling/cheating etc…so a LOT of inside knowledge) and finally help them have more fun with dating and they’ll help YOU have more fun with dating (for example by going out with you and pointing out the girls who they sense show green lights for you through their body language).
Beauty can also be defined in many ways, one of them being good physical appearance and let’s face it: that’s what us guys mostly look and go for. But say you’re talking to an ‘okay looking’ girl, so a 7 on a 1-10 scale, would that make you LESS of a man? It depends on the girl, and YOUR mindstate behind it. If you’re just dating the 7 because you think you don’t deserve better or can’t GET better? Then you have a lack of confidence, inner game issues, WRONG. If you’re dating the 7 because she’s more willing to do things with and for you and is easier going then an always appreciated 10…then why WOULD you date a 10? And say she’s willing to do more with you, and you propose her to do some dirty things with you, as in: expanding your sexual experience…is dating an ‘okay looking’ girl (in everyone else’s opinion) smart? HELL yeah! But what is the psychology behind a ‘less then goddess like looking’ girl being willing to do more for her man? Simple: society. Everywhere around them they see the really pretty girls getting all the attention, and since they feel they’re less pretty because they get less attention? A LOT of them feel like they have to do other things to get the same appreciation, because they still crave for the same level of attention. Now…this doesn’t mean you need to pimp her and make her work for you on the streets or anything (LOL!), but what it DOES mean is that by default she’s willing to do more for and with you if you reward her for it in a proper way. Now if you find a 7 with the willingness to do a whole LOT of things for and with you, now that’s what I call beauty!
Why ‘Gaming’ The ENTIRE World WORKS!
But WHY do all these guys think and LIMIT themselves into believing that their game can ONLY be practiced on women? No I’m not talking picking up men as a man yourself here, I’m talking about enlarging your social circle, sphere of influence, your network, the intensity of your friendships and just testing out new techniques/conversational skills here, because…they work on men TOO! If you use Cocky & Funny on a guy it works TOO, if you are sociably and compelling enough HE will go clubbing (to pick up girls or hang out) with you TOO! And even better: if the guy is any good at dating and women, you’ve just befriended a natural in the game as a bonus! In other words: practice game on EVERYONE out there. Your male friends, relatives, colleagues, classmates AND your female friends, relatives etc. AND women you approach. Why?
1) You’ll sooner or later create a female and male mastermind group
2) At first when you learn how to behave successfully around women you are DOING it, but the doubts, fears, nervousness etc. will only disappear when you ARE it…a pick up artist. When you ARE success with women and dating, you’ll come across more natural, genuine and also with better body language. So if you have game EVERYWHERE? You’ll BE game pretty damn fast! And since EVERY little interaction you’ll have from now on, is done from a game perspective? You’ll have TONS of experience when you go out and meet women yourself, because you’ll have heard THOUSANDS of replies to this and that and had time to figure out a great comeback each time, you’ll have had THOUSANDS of times where you could figure out things that WORKED that compelled people, etc. These things will give you the COMPOSURE you need: no more will I be able to keep my cool? No more will I be able to do or say the right thing? No more will I freeze up, because I really don’t know how to handle the situation? Why? Because you’ve been there before a MILLION times so you don’t even have to think about it anymore, you’ll just do it, BE it: you’re doing by not doing, you’ve integrated the game in your system up to the point where you ARE the game, and do it on auto-pilot. It’s like you’re learning to drive NOW, and AFTER applying and realizing this? You’ve been driving for TWENTY years: you look in the mirrors naturally, you shift gears automatically, you don’t even have to think about it anymore, gaming has just become your nature…congratulations!
Just to give you an example of how well this ‘total game’ I’m talking about works: I started working with a telecom company I won’t name here 8 months ago, and during those eight months I’ve been promoted…TWICE…thanks to using cocky & funny humor, being picky/teasing and challenging, storytelling and anchoring…on the bosses! So I guarantee you it will benefit YOU in other areas of your life as well!
To More Dating Success,
Carlos Xuma
Win With Women
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