Top 8 Things That Make A Great Dating Coach
These are the top 8 things that make a great dating coach. After teaching hundreds of guys how to meet women since 2008, I know what you should look for…
I’ve done interviews with several dating gurus, so I know their world from the inside out. It’s time to reveal that world to you and to show you what’s wrong… and what’s right.
I’m writing this blog post to protect you. To prect you from bad dating advice, from people who care more about making money than actually helping you, and from liars that think they’re superstars.
They think they’re superstarts until they read this post!
Look, you will know this blog is a MUST READ in a minute or two. Doesn’t matter if you never looked for dating advice before. Or if you believe buying flowers for a woman to get her actually works. Or if you’re a guy inside the “seduction community” who talks about dating 24 hours a day.
This post will be relevant for you, wanna know why? Because it’s the BRUTAL TRUTH about dating advice.
Finally, the truth is here.
#1: Your Dating Guru Must NOT Be The “Technique Guy”
Who says all dating advice can be used in all situations all the time? That’s a lie. Any dating coach that tries to tell you something else is a liar.
Meeting women online is different from meeting women in clubs. What’s more, different kinds of women respond to different kinds of things.
There are a lot of dating coaches, dating gurus or whatever you want to call them that don’t know what really matters. They give you all kinds of clever techniques, tricks and tips without helping you get rid of your insecurities. Without helping you to build your confidence.
They claim to have the magic pill that always work, which is a lie. And then when they’re flawed advice fails? They don’t even have the damn respect for you to ask you how they can help YOU with YOUR unique situation!
That’s BAD. Real bad. And those dating coaches and dating gurus are STUPID.
Because teaching you techniques is letting you believe that there is something WRONG with you. That you NEED techniques because you will not have success with women without them. That’s NOT true.
You just don’t know how to be yourself around women. You behave differently around women. But that’s only because you don’t know HOW and WHY to be yourself. No one showed you since the day you were born.
No one talks about that, but I do.
#2: Must NOT Be A Gold Digger
I see too many gold diggers out there who pretend to have the right to give dating advice. They will ask hundreds of dollars for a stupid product that only shows you their stupid opinion. And that opinion is just a theory: it has never been proven in real life!
That’s why I say out loud right now: if you meet a guy (or girl) that gives you bad dating advice? You must always be able to get all of your money back. Even if you contact him 18 years from now.
Nothing is more personal than your love life, your fears, your insecurities. So if someone’s dating advice does not work for you personally? You should get your money back. And I don’t care what the guy says. Force him to give you your money back.
You have the right to get high quality advice, because your dating success IS personal. Your dating success is about as personal as it gets.
If he doesn’t give it back tell me and I will haunt him (or her) down. I’m serious.
While other markets have their watch dogs that protect you from lame and really bad products? The dating advice market doesn’t have a watch dog. Until now. I’ll be the watch dog that takes down the gold diggers. Talk to me when you meet a gold digger and I will help you.
I’m simple minded with #2: if I don’t think I can help you, I won’t. Even if you beg me. I won’t pretend to be mister know it all. But what I WILL do is this: find you someone who CAN help you. No matter how long it takes me.
And that’s being real. We need more real dating advisors!
#3: Your Dating Guru Must NOT Be An Egomaniac
Listen up. Would you take dating advice about how to be confident… from a guy that isn’t confident himself? I’m willing to bet your answer is no.
And yet most guys do this!
They get dating tips from Ross Jeffries or Real Social Dynamics or others. And as soon as they disagree with something? They get banned from a site. Banned from a forum. They get kicked out of a coaching program.
Yes, I’m giving you names here. Because Ross Jeffries and Real Social Dynamics will ban you if you have a different opinion or tell them about their mistakes.
Why will they ban you from their lives? Because they’re egomaniacs.
They’re egomaniacs who think they have the right to talk about confidence when they themselves are so damn insecure that they almost start crying when someone has a negative opinion about them.
Bunch of big babies.
Why am I mentioning names? So you know who NOT to go to for good advice. Who not to go to for good, honest help with your life. These people need to get their heads out of their own ass and they need to start caring about their customers.
I don’t talk about being confident around snakes because I simply hate those things. I’m NOT confident around them. They scare the crap out of me because of a little “trauma” from my childhood. How’s that for being honest?
#4: Must Be Available
I can give you a list right now of people that give dating advice that call themselves dating gurus or dating experts. But the list would be so long that this blog post would be a page long. So I won’t go there, but still tell you what’s up.
As I said before: NOTHING… is more personal than dating advice. Dating instructors are one of the few people that have to say that business IS personal instead of the age old saying “it’s strictly business, nothing personal.” Everything about your dating success IS strictly personal.
When you think about that, wouldn’t you want to get help from a REAL person? To get help froma real person because your dating success is personal?
But surprise surprise! No one’s there. Most dating gurus aren’t available. You will have to listen to one of their employees that has only been giving advice for a month or so. Now that’s just unfair.
As a dating coach, you must be available for everyone that needs help. You must be available every single time. Because YES, someone’s personal life does matter. Someone’s dating success does matter… it matters to them!
Don’t be a loser who hides from his customers or who is just a damn gold digger. Be available when people need help.
Wouldn’t you want to be helped by ME instead of some 16-year old kid that’s only been working for me for like a week?
#5: Must Admit His Mistakes
Remember how I told you about how Ross Jeffries and Real Social Dynamics bad mouth people, insult people, ban them and more? Guess what?
They’re not alone!
I got banned from the forum of Love Systems AND the Pick Up Artist Forums. Why? Because I gave dating advice that some guys needed to hear. And they banned me for it. I revealed some mistakes they made and they couldn’t handle it.
Poor them. NOT!
As a dating instructor, you must be human. It’s as simple as that. Every human being on earth make mistakes. So, don’t be a smart ass who pretends to make no mistakes at all. Admit that you made a mistake. Admit that you were wrong. It earns you respect.
Let me go first because some losers don’t have the balls for it: yesterday, I made a mistake.
When someone orders one of my products, they sign up for an “after care” newsletter and get a download link for that product. But, yesterday 2 guys signed up for the wrong newsletter because of me.
The product delivery company did not do what I wanted them to do, but I did not check with them if they did it right. That was my mistake. What did I do?
I sincerely apologized to both gentlemen (you kow who you are), told them where they could get what I promised them, and I made sure they knew I never want this stuff to happen ever again.
A confident, real man admits his mistakes directly without thinking about it. He takes responsibility for his actions. Only a scared wussy pretends he never makes mistakes and tries to cover them up.
#6: Your Dating Guru Must Not Be A Clone Maker
Dear Guy In Need Of Dating Advice. You’re not me. I don’t want you to be. But others want you to be them. Others like the guy behind VH1’s The Pick Up Artist Show: Mystery and friends.
Oh I’m sorry, are you a fan? You do know that the whole thing had a script with actors and everything? You do know it was as fake as The Real World and The Hills?
Whatever’s the case, you can only be you. That’s why I said earlier: thinking you need techniques SUCKS. You don’t need what works for another guy. You need to know what works for YOU.
That’s why I always tell my customers: create your own style. Don’t be me. I don’t want you to be a Carlos clone.
Look at the world around you: there are TONS of guys who are naturally good with women. And they all have their own style. If they can do it, why can’t you?
That’s why I stress the fact that I do NOT teach a method. I don’t do a “Mystery Method” or don’t follow any other rules.
Because by following a method (a set of rules) you LIMIT yourself. By following a rule or method, you don’t experiment but stick to the script like an actor. You will miss all the opportunities that are out there in the world.
That’s why I teach teach my customers the PRINCIPLES of confidence and attraction since day 1. I tell you WHY stuff works. I give you some examples to make it very clear why it works. But the rest?
Man, my customers use what I teach about meeting women online when they’re meeting women at work. It’s because what I try to do is show you the universal stuff. I show you the main principles, the gravity law of dating or so to speak.
Then I help you create your own style. I have often asked myself: why am I one of the few that does this? I think dating guru Vin Di Carlo was the first one, but I KNOW I’m the last one if the other dating advisors keep following the path they’re on right now.
#7: Most Not Be A Short Term Loser
Do this and you will get a date. Do that and you will get a kiss.
Yeah, that’s nice and everything… but how do you KEEP the woman after going on a date with her? How do you keep a girl after sleeping with her?
Good questions. No answer.
Most dating coaches won’t give you a direct anwer. They talk a whole lot of sh*t about meeting and dating women, but they never talk about relationships. It pissed me off.
Because it’s a BIG problem… do you realize that?
It’s a problem, because these jack asses are teaching you to think SHORT TERM. Don’t get me wrong, living the playboy lifestyle for a couple of years is pretty awesome. I know I lived it.
But there comes a time to say: “okay, after that? I want to meet my “miss right” and know how to keep her.”
But 99% of the dating gurus out there won’t tell you how to “keep the girl.” That sucks. That’s why I wrote a blog post about relationships a couple weeks ago.
#8: Must Be The “Real Thing”
There’s this dating guru who calls himself Mehow that started giving advice because he thought he was “the man” after losing his virginity. Fun fact: people actually follow his lead.
Only a couple of insiders know this, but he seriously began a dating guru business because he thought he earned the right to give tips when you slept with 1 woman.
But let me tell you something. You’re NOT a great dating coach after having success with one woman dude. If that were true, we would have AT LEAST 1 billion dating coaches on the planet.
You’re not the real thing after 1 girlfriend, 1 virgin, or one blue Avatar superfreak for all I care.
Like it or not, you’re a great coach only if you pass all of the 8 “tests” I’m describing in this blog post. No discussion possible, because I’m defending the people here. The customers.
If you don’t agree with or can’t prove at least HALF of my top 8, you only show that you don’t care about your customers AT ALL. If that’s the case? Shame on you! Start caring more, because every customer deserves 100% of your attention and every damn customer should be treated like a KING!
What makes you the real thing? NOT being a techique guy, NOT being a gold digger, NOT being an ego maniac, being available, admitting your mistakes, NOT being a clone maker. And finally, NOT being a short term loser.
And there you go… now you know what makes a great dating coach. And now you know what makes a BAD dating coach. Look for the good ones!
Read the entire thing? Good!
If I called out your name in this post, it’s not too late. You can still change your ways. I meant every word I said and I won’t take it back, ever. I simply ask you to change if I mentioned your name. Or I’ll write another blog post 🙂
If you liked my blog post, please give me a comment NOW and answer these questions in your comment:
1) What was wrong with the dating advice you have had until now?
2) What was wrong with the dating gurus you’ve asked for help so far?
And if you’re one of those people that got offended after reading this?
Then all I have to say is this: you took some things personal, which must mean you’ve been doing them. Get over it, wussy. The truth hurts sometimes, but it still has to be said!
Every single man in need of dating advice on this little planet of ours deserves to get advice from the best damn dating coach around. Honestly? I haven’t seen many great ones lately. It’s time for change…
So, sign up for my newsletter with dating advice below RIGHT AWAY when you’re ready for change. Sign up if you’re ready for the brutal truth about women and dating. Sign up below NOW if you’re ready for the brutal truth about dating advice and what makes a great dating coach…
To More Dating Success,
Carlos Xuma
Win With Women
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