How To Start Dating Older Women: Dating Older Women Made Easy

Most men believe dating older women is harder than dating women their age, but it’s not. And it has many advantages too! Let me show you why in this blog post…

Cougar. MILF (Mother I’d Like To Fuck). Men give many names to dating older women, probably because they are fascinated by the idea of dating women older than themselves! And we are too!

But why do you fantasize about hot older women? And how can you get started with dating older women? The answer involves a strange coincidence:

The reason why you believe meeting hot older women is hard, why you are fascinated by it… and how you can start to date older women are all related! It is such an eye opener once you know.

Don’t believe me? Don’t believe I’m right? Then find out for yourself below…

Why Dating Older Women Is Easy, And Why It’s Your Fantasy

1) Hot older women are more experienced – because you know older women are more experienced with men and in bed, you want to learn everything about sex and love that they know. That’s where your fascination comes from. You also assume that they’re pickier when single than women your age because of this “extra” experience. This couldn’t be further from the truth!

The longer you stay single, the more desperate you get. Both the women themselves and the guys dating older women have admitted to me that, secretly, older women feel much more desperate deep down than when they were younger.

2) Older women have more emotional baggage – not true! Since when does being old equal being unhappy? That’s only what anti wrinkle commercials try to make you believe. Hell, usually older women who are a couple years older than you want a break from their responsibilities by dating you: the reckless youngster. And women who are 10+ years older than you? They want to feel young again. Feel excited again. Feel passionate again.

So, all older women have is an insatiable need for adventure, NOT drama. Dating older women is easy!

3) Dating older women means you need to play daddy – while it is true that a single MILF (Mother I’d Like To Fuck) is not only looking for a date, but usually also for a father for her kid(s)? There’s an easy way around it and it’s: “I have no problem with being a father, but it’s really bad for a child to get confused about who his father is because you take every first date home. First a long term relationship, then the father.”

Problem solved. Now she knows you want what’s best for the child later so she sees you as a potential father, while you get to screw her brains out for now. Nice!

And no. Older women are not by definition ugly. Example:

Date her and you're into dating older women. See? Dating older women doesn't mean dating women without teeth!

Do you see that hot chick on the photo above? Guess what? She’s 42 years old!

Let’s take one step back though. You’ve just learned with the 3 points I made above that:

When dating older women, their experience won’t be a problem, their kid(s) won’t be either, and that older women always have emotional baggage is a myth. Conclusion: it’s easy!

Hell, date older women and you’ll discover that they’re more desperate than younger women are and thus easier to talk to and to date. Plus when you’re on that date? They want as much action and excitement as possible!

What more could you ask for, right? WAIT! There IS more you could ask for when it comes to dating older women…

And it’s a way to find hot older women to date! And I’m giving you 7 ways to find and date older women. Keep on reading to discover a way to get a hot, older date holding your hand within days.

Here Are 7 Sweet Spots For Finding And Dating Older Women

If you want to date older women, you obviously first have to know how to meet them. So what are places you can find them? You’re about to find out what all the sweet spots are…

1) If you want to do this dating older women thing, you’ll have to start thinking like an older woman first. Think about it: would you go to a club filled with 18 year olds when you’re 30? Probably not. But you WOULD go to a bar to chill out instead. Go there and you’ll find older women.

2) Don’t forget events with a theme that attract older women either: nineties, eighties, seventies, and sixties parties. Need I say more before you start to realize how easy dating older women is?

3) You probably won’t find older women at a Lil’ Wayne concert. But (depending on the age you’re going for) you WILL find them at a concert of Bon Jovi, David Bowie, Madonna, the Rolling Stones, Biz Markie, or maybe even Snoop Dogg.

4) What are the chances of women around 18 years old being housewives? A lot smaller than women aged 28-40 let me tell you that! So go where housewives go if you want to start dating older women: a Tupperware party, the supermarket (if she’s a mom than the kids need food dude), the mall, and so on. But wait a minute! Don’t housewives have a husband? Three answers: A) so? B) divorced or C) single MILF (Mother I’d Like To Fuck)

5) Everybody loves a competition, including an older woman. If you want to date older women, then why not go to a baking contest? A cooking contest? And the list goes on and on.

6) There are times when older women feel they need to compete with Mother Nature as well: they work out in the gym, do aerobics or tae bo, and so on. The older a woman gets, the more she tends to worry about her looks because women (still are) judged based on physical beauty. So go to that spa, nail salon, massage parlor, gym, and I don’t know what else!

Dating older women can start at the gym. There are many other places where you can start dating older women, so keep reading to discover more!

7) And this one’s for when you’re going for hot, single mommies! Ask yourself: where would a mother go? To the toy store! Or how about the child day care center? You don’t have to walk around in there all day, because that would be creepy. Just go to different ones several times a week and ask a mom for advice on a toy for the birthday of your neighbor’s kid (toy store), or tips for taking care of your neighbor’s kid better (day care center).

One Last Important Insight About Dating Older Women

Even if she’s 2 years older, or 5, or 10, or 15, or 20, or more. It doesn’t matter. Never forget that no matter how old an older woman is, she’s still a woman. And that means:

– She is still attracted to a man’s personality and charisma: your playful teasing, your mysteriousness, your dominance, your pickiness, your challenging attitude, your humor, your unpredictability. Click here to get more tips about attracting women with your personality.

– No matter if you’re into dating older women or younger women, women of all ages only want men who have a genuine interest in them. Women will test you no matter how old they are. So for the love of God, stay and keep talking when they reject you. It’s a test! It always is.

– Hot older women are still not attracted to guys that are too nice. She wants a boyfriend (or boy toy), not a slave. So, don’t accept second class behavior from her, don’t always say “YES”, and don’t let yourself be bossed around.

– She is still not attracted to money, fame, power, fast cars, and shiny suits. Sure, some women will be. But they’re called gold diggers and prostitutes. Good women, no matter how old, don’t fall for none of that materialistic crap. Ever. It’s all about your personality. Nothing else matters.

– You can’t date older women, or ANY woman for that matter, without confidence. Check out my Inner Game tips to start improving your confidence so you can date older women.

And now if you’ll excuse, this movie junkie has to prepare for a busy weekend. First off, I need to see the new Jackass 3D and laugh my ass off because the humor is so stupid it’s funny again.

Then I have to go to a bar, an eighties party, a Bon Jovi concert, a Tupperware party, a cooking contest, my tae bo class, and last but not freaking least: the toy store. And so should you, if you want to start dating older women more than you’ve ever did.

I mean, how else are you going to find and date older women with smoking hot looks, a desperate need to get laid, and an insatiable need to get freaky in the bedroom because they crave to be young and full of unlimited passion (in bed) again?

Good luck with dating older women with these tips!

To More Dating Success,

Carlos Xuma
Win With Women

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Carlos Xuma
- Win With Women