The Dark Side Of Religion
Being someone from a Catholic background I noticed it’s influence on my game EVERYDAY when I started to get more and more succesful with women and dating. Ever had that feeling that you were ‘not doing the right thing’….that certain aspects off picking up and dating women goes against your VALUES? I know I did in the past.
So I started to investigate WHAT my values really were, until it hit me that they were NOT mine at all! It was because of my Catholic background I refused to do certain things to get more succes, it was a BIG limited belief…until I did some research on it and found out EVERYBODY experiences religious constrictions in some way or another. It’s another KEY Matrix element. Why? Let’s take a look at Christianity for example.
How Religious Values CRIPPLED Our Confidence
This is not a slaughter of religions all around the world here because I believe people should have the right to choose what they belief in for themselves. Although the Ten Commandments of Christianity are DIRECT evidence as to which rules limit you, not stealing and murderering are NOT the limiting beliefs you want toi overcome, lol! Instead, it are the values IMPOSED by the religion on YOU, your life and the lives of your forefathers even. How did the almighty Church pull that off, not even on purpose? By imposing VALUES into our subsconscious minds. Important Christian values (and those of other religions too!) for men include: modesty, humility and obedience.
– Modesty & humility: while people were building WHOLE churches of GOLD, popes walk around with more ‘bling’ then 50 Cent does now…the common you and I kinda guy was told that bragging about your achievements, your succes, your LIFE even was bad because it made people dislike you because of envy, your vanity, (the seven mortal sins remember?) and when not being modest about the future you were full of gluttony, better said power and money hungry. So…we were told to display good Christian modesty and humility, because modesty would bring forth more friends and ment being more open towards strangers because NOTHING was too much to ask in light of being humble. While ringing true on a surface level because no one likes a bragger, it had SEVERE consequences on a deep, unconscious level. Why? When you DID do something great, you had to be cool about it and downplay it, otherwise you would be a bragger. But downplaying the importance of achievements led to LESS positive rewards for it because it seemed ‘not that great’ and it thus LOWERED confidence, KILLED ambition and because bragging was not okay? It somehow programmed us into believing that displaying talent, ambition, succes to females is wrong because it’s bragging. But women find those traits attractive! Hence we had less tools to generate attraction with females. Score: matrix 1, you zero.
And the next one is a KILLER effect of modesty and humility: these traits promote thinking small, or medium at best about our achievements, our goals, our life even.
How are we supposed to have BIG dreams, believe ANYTHING is possible…when our religion has programmed us for thousands of years into believeing that is not being modest and thus VERY bad for us? We COULDN’T. If we weren’t allowed to believe anything was possible and big things could be achieved, do you think this would LIMIT us? YES. Do you think these BELIEFS that only allowed small thinkig were limiting? YES. And there you have it, one of the MAJOR causes of why limiting beliefs are created in your mind before you yourself even know it! Let alone the consequences this all had on YOUR confidence…Score: matrix 2, you STILL zero.
But HOW do I get my confidence back then? Off course there are ways to rebuild your confidence, multiple selfhelp products out there even. But the problem is: most see confidence as just an ASPECT of the bigger picture, this little thing out of the whole…while confidence determains much of your succes with women. I know these guys however, LoveJunkie and Chameleon, who are working with this system totally devoted to just one thing: getting SUPERCONFIDENCE in a PERMANENT way. You can do all sorts of tricks and little routines to help your confidence for a little while, but you NEED to address it in a way that sticks…as in the rest of your lifetime!
You can check out their personal experiences with this ‘Demonic Confidence’ system they’re doing HERE. I highly recommend it.
Now…bragging, being full of yourself, showing all your ambition, talent and dreams are extravert character traits together with being outlandish and fun and they create an open, wild individual. Having fun and being outlandish means doing something out of the ordinary, having fun with the rules, playing around with life. Were you allowed to do that when Christian values are modesty, humility and obedience? NO. You have to follow the rules, be modest and not have TOO much fun. Now when most of the extravert character traits are systemically and artificially repressed for a LONG period of time (and thousands of years is long isn’t it?) then what do you get? INTROvert individuals. NOT being extravert = NOT being open = NOT being very approachable = thanks to the principles of projection in our minds the limiting belief that OTHERS are not very approachable too. There you go..a reason for our approach anxiety. Score: matrix 3, you zero.
– Obedience: in the time of landlords, dictator-like rulers/kings and officials you better made sure you were subservient to their needs or you would be DEAD. You had to plegde allegiance to the pope, the church, jezus, the pastor, etc. and OBEY their dogma’s, doctrins, rules, values, beliefs etc. if you were to be a good Christian. You had to please them no matter what, otherwise you would BURN IN HELL and you SO badly wanted to go to heaven, right? Guess what this did to our indepence, our leadership abilities, our dominant nature as males? It made us sheep amongst the herd because we HAD to follow other people’s wishes and needs if we wanted to go heaven. There was a time where we even got burned at the stake for not following these values…guess how THAT scared us into believing we should always please people above us or it would have negative consequences? When we met a girl we wanted to marry, her parents (father) was the person above her and also US. We had to ask his permission and show HIM that we were worthy. How? Gifts, dinners being bought, approval seeking, agreeing with everything they said, going out of our way to please, etc. just to prove we were worthy to pick.
The result: TOTAL WUSSY BEHAVIOR. Now you know one KEY cause of our wussy behaviors because we were programmed into believing this had to be reality for thousands of years…being a wussy got you the girl (THEN). Score: matrix 4, you ZERO.
***NOTE*** And if you want to get your hands on mega-valuable, ruthless reality checks just like these and amazing secrets of seduction that will make your jaw drop to the floor…
Then check out the monthly Win With Women 2.0 e-zine HERE
How Religions STUMPED Women Biology Everywhere
Ever wondered why women are WAY more covert about their sexual experiences, desires, fantasies etc. then men? I know I have. And one of the reasons they are I already discussed in my societal views on them: they don’t want to be een as sluts and whores because those kind of girls supposedly DO all tell that stuff (talk about limiting beliefs, lol!). But there’s another cause: in comes religion again. Let’s take Christianity as an example again. Important FEMALE Christian values were things like chastity. We men experienced it too, but let me explain here.
In the western world sexual relations were restricted before marriage AND because of monogamy because of the Ten Commandments (You shall not commit adultery AND You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife…becaus their are a LOT of neighbours in a big city aren’t there). Because of this, chastity promoted sexual abstinence or in easier words: don’t fuck before married and don’t fuck anything beyond your man or woman. Sexual acts outside of marriage are considered a SIN in christianity, jewish and muslim faiths. Chastity however, is seen as one of the seven virtues (values). It was imposed that women should adopt a modest style of clothing, because it was believed that clothing can be used to broadcast a person’s receptiveness to sexual advances. In comes the modesty value again! As you can see, females were also LIMITED into what they were allowed to belief, think and feel…especially on a sexual life.
All the wile the biological system of women makes them menarche (have their first menstrual cycle) around the age of 12.5 years, menstrual cycles are a sign of fertility because females first start to ovulate then (produce their eggs, lol!). Now from a purely biological point of view without taking into account ethics or medical consequences of a HIGH number of child labors I can make a little calculation: it takes 9 months from pregnancy to labor and female fertility declines around 30+ years. Say I calcute from 12,5 yrs to 30 yrs. That’s 17.5 years = 210 months. It takes 9 months to give birth and then one more to ovulate again so that’s 10 months for a baby. This means 210 : 10 = 21 babies. If a woman displays sexual abstinence until she’s 18? That’s 144 : 10 = 14 babies, seven LESS then when she would not.
From a biological perspective, I would say this is MORE then enough evidence to show that these religious values have CRIPPLED a woman’s sexual nature (let alone the societal views which cripple it even more).
How YOU Went From A DREAMER To A Sleeper
Now I’ve talked about the effect of these religious values on YOUR life, but as you all know: you live in a society. Do you REALLY think that society would not get hurt by it? Guess why you get critiqued so much for big dreams, for ambitious/challenging plans and ideas, for thinking outlandish and out of the box for once? Simple, these people have been following these values for AGES, belittling their own beliefs and attitudes with the ultimate effect of living in a bubble: a total comfort zone sphere around them if you will. And simply, they can’t get out because it’ll shock their entire mindset because the world as they know it doesn’t exist out there. That is why you’re having a hard time picking up women: the only thing these ‘small thinkers’ can talk about is their little world and since it is so little and selfsatisfying? They’ll propably NEVER get out of it: that little bubble world LIMITS their EVERY move…which is exactly what you’re experiencing when you’re saying awww I can’t do this because, I can’t go there because, I would be better if…etc. etc. This is a very clear example of The Matrix at it’s best (or better said: at it’s WORST): an entire WORLD created on limiting beliefs. So we started out as dreamers, but now we’re mindless sheep of a herd called religious beliefs, or the bigger picture: The Matrix, we have become sleepers…dreamless. Now read the article again and WAKE UP!
I want to conclude this article on the part religious values play in the creation of The Matrix by saying: YOUR limiting beliefs and YOUR comfort zone were programmed into you from the day you were born, YOU did NOT create them…you only SUSTAIN them because you know of no other way of a working world.
Do you REALLY want to go on, live on, getting troubled by these beliefs and zones that limit YOUR succes in life…while they weren’t even created by you yourself?
HELL NO…I would say.
Do you dare to say NO with me?
To More Dating Success,
Carlos Xuma
Win With Women
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