How to Make a Girl Jealous and Want You Even More
Today you’ll learn how to make a girl jealous in minutes, because it’s so easy once you know the secret of where jealousy comes from. Let’s find out!
Look, you didn’t come here to read this blog post on how to make a girl jealous because you don’t want to do it, right? Nevertheless, I want to show you the benefits of making a girl jealous and where jealousy comes from. That way, you’ll understand my techniques for how to make a girl jealous.
If you’re not interested in the why and the what of jealousy, then feel free to skip to the part where I share my techniques for how to make a girl jealous.
Now let’s get started already!
How to Make a Girl Jealous: What Jealousy Is…
Always remember when learning how to make a girl jealous that jealousy is a form of insecurity… an angry form if I may say so.
Jealousy is “born” when a girl sees you have options to choose from (her being one of them) and her insecurities make her fear you WON’T choose her. She simply doesn’t know if she’s more valuable than the other options.
It means you can learn how to make a girl jealous with people AND with things, but more on that later…
For now, just remember that once you know how to let a girl think or know you have options? Her self-image does the rest: she starts to doubt herself and how valuable she is… and she becomes angry at herself (and at you).
Let’s move on and look at some benefits of knowing how to make a girl jealous, shall we?
The Benefits of Learning How to Make a Girl Jealous
Let’s check out the benefits of learning how to make a girl jealous if she’s interested in you (but you two are not dating) and when she’s your girlfriend.
The benefits of learning how to make a girl jealous if the girl’s interested in you:
– Women are competitive by nature, maybe even more than men. When a girl buys a pair of shoes and her friend bought the same pair? All hell could break loose! And when you give a girl female competition, she must prove to herself she’s more valuable than the other. It makes her say “YES” to more things, do more with you, want to see you more, and so on.
– You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. When faced with the possibility that you could disappear from her life, a girl realizes how valuable you are. How much better you make her life. She realizes she doesn’t want to miss that and that she has to do something about it. It’s how to make a girl jealous by giving her the gift of missing you.

The benefits of learning how to make a girl jealous if it’s your girlfriend:
– Sooner or later, parts of your relationship (or your entire relationship) becomes a routine. You start to take things for granted. Things like having sex 4-5 times a week and what not. That’s why it’s important to learn how to make a girl jealous: so she doesn’t take YOU for granted and wants to make an effort of pleasing you again.
– Whenever jealousy is involved, it spices things up because it creates sexual tension. She starts giggling and blushing more, things are better in the bedroom, she wants to go out and have fun with you again… and the list goes on and on.
And this is probably the most important benefit of learning how to make a girl jealous:
Whenever a girl that’s interested in you is playing hard to get… or whenever your girlfriend is playing hard to please by bitching about a billion things?
Jealousy puts them in their place. It makes a girl be more interested in you. It let’s a girl know she’d better be thankful for having you around so she’s better make more of an effort to make you happy!
And isn’t that what we, as guys, all want? Girls who can’t wait to make us happy?
If you agree, then check out my techniques for how to make a girl jealous below.
Techniques for How to Make a Girl Jealous
If you only came here to get some techniques so you’ll know how to make a girl jealous, my bad! Keep reading below to get your much needed techniques…
I just had to show some non-believers why THEY should want to learn how to make a girl jealous as well. So are you ready for some techniques? Here we go!
1) How to make a girl jealous by making her your #2: Earlier on I mentioned that girls become insecure when they know you have options, when you can choose between them and other people OR things. You see, girls want to be your number 1. The most important thing in your life, because they fantasize about having you all to themselves. But what if you had a goal in life? Like owning a company in a certain industry, helping as many men as possible in the dating game (like me) or something else?
Then a girl knows she shouldn’t come between you and your goal, hell, she fears you’ll pick your goal over her even though girls love ambition in a man.
In short: she knows she’s number 2 and it drives her crazy, making her do everything she can to become your numero uno. Now THAT is how to make a girl jealous!
2) How to make a girl jealous with her friends: When a girl is interested in you, you’ll meet her friends sooner or later. Like on a birthday. That’s your chance to tell her afterwards that her friend was really cute. It drives her nuts. Trust me!
3) How to make a girl jealous with your weekend: Even a perceived threat is enough to make a girl jealous, so why not use that to your advantage when she asks about your weekend? Tell her a female friend gave you this awesome movie or that you had lunch with a female friend or that you went to a female friend’s birthday and you were the only guy there… I think you get the picture!
4) How to make a girl jealous by saying “Hi”: If you met the girl that’s interested in you at a place you both visit often (like school, work or a certain club or bar), then why not go there with another chick? Wait until the girl sees you two and then introduce girl number 2 to girl number 1. That alone will drive her out of her freaking mind!
5) How to make a girl jealous with your ex: Even if you don’t talk to your ex anymore or don’t have an ex, just mentioning something happened with your ex and you know about it is enough to bring jealousy to ANY girl. Tell her you came across your ex, got a call from your ex or something similar. That’s more than enough.

Once you know not to bring up your ex too often so a girl won’t think you’re still in love with her, it’s one of the most powerful ways for how to make a girl jealous.
One More Thing About How to Make a Girl Jealous…
Creating jealousy isn’t the only way to make a girl more interested in you, because I can easily sit here all day and tell you about 50 other ways to create attraction that are just as powerful.
And if you want to get your hands on free tips for ALL the ways of creating attraction, then I highly recommend you sign up for my Inner Game Newsletter.
It shows you everything you need to know about getting girls, including how to build your confidence so YOU won’t get jealous yourself.
And right about now this movie addict is going to watch himself some Hangover Part 2, because I’ve heard some great things about the monkey. But before I do I just want to say:
I hope you liked my tips and tricks for how to make a girl jealous!
To More Dating Success,
Carlos Xuma
Win With Women
P.S. Looking for more tips on how to improve your confidence... or how to approach women, oh so beautiful women? And do you want tips for how to create attraction as well? Then the tips inside my Inner Game Newsletter might be just what you need. Click here now to find out more!