27 Tips To Meet Women On line Every Time
If you want to get more dates when meeting women online, then check out these 27 in-depth tips for how to meet women on line and easily ask them out!
You know, it amazes me. There are so many ways to meet women on line, but I’m willing to bet you for $10 that you only use a handful of them. Why does that suck you ask?
Because all the ways for how to meet women online that you DON’T know let you meet women online faster, effortlessly, and let you have more fun while doing it too… because the guys who haven’t read this blog post have never thought of using these tips for meeting women online themselves!
So let’s get started, shall we?
The Top 10 Tips To Meet Women On line
Let’s start this one with a BANG! Check out the 10 best tips to meet women on line that give you more results with women the fastest…
1) You tend to start meeting women online close to home: you want to meet women who live nearby. Always remember when you meet women on line though that woman A may be on online dating site 1 and woman B may be on dating site number 2. So get more than 1 profile!
2) Attractive women online get (on average) 30-50 messages per day from men. Half those messages don’t have a message subject, a quarter has “Hi” or something similar as a subject and around another quarter has a cheesy message subject like a lame pick up line. So if you want to meet women on line, then use a subject that’s about them because no one does. If you want proof of this, then create a fake female profile and you’ll see for yourself.
3) Why sign up for a dating site that damn near everyone is on so you can meet women on line, while those women are probably that your type? Why do that when there are also niche dating sites for Latinas, people who love sports, older people, rich people, gothics, and so on. Learning how to meet women online starts with finding the right social networks and dating sites your type of woman would sign up for.
4) Since we’re already talking about your type of woman: why create a random profile for dating that attracts random women, when you can write a dating profile that attracts YOUR type?
5) When it comes to meeting women online, only focusing on writing an awesome dating profile and thinking the women will come… is like building a golden palace on top of Mount Everest.

Sure, you need to cover the basics of a good dating profile, but it isn’t called meeting WOMEN online instead of meeting PROFILES online for nothing.
6) Most guys who send messages to meet women on line screw up the subject of their message (see tip #2), but it gets worse: half the messages women receive are one sentence long and about how hot they look. Or small talk that’s inappropriate (like only asking them how they’re doing and that’s it). Women want guys who have a genuine interest in them, so ask questions about who they are. In short: check out their profile before you send a message.
7) When you try to meet women on line, they first look at your message. If it grabs their attention, they look at your photo(s), then they check out your profile. Improve the way you meet women online in that order: messages, photos, profile.
8 ) Want to start meeting women online by letting them come to you? Then know that women find you through the search results of a dating site. They display people who are online now and recently first, so either stay logged into your profile all day while doing other things or regularly update your profile so you OWN those search results.
9) To meet women on line successfully is to show a genuine interest in them, their lives, what they do, and so on. That doesn’t mean that all women online have unique tastes though. Hell no! You’ll find many similarities: stuff a lot of them like. If you write a message about a certain “like” and a woman responds in a positive way, then why not store that message for later use in Microsoft Word or Notepad? Don’t reinvent the wheel if you don’t have to man 🙂
10) ANY reply from women online means you grabbed their interest enough for them to write back, while they receive 30-50 messages a day on average (see tip #2). So, yes, even an angry reply is a good one. After all, there is a thin line between love and hate! Attraction is a feeling based on emotions, so as long as you create emotions? You’re doing fine. Persist!
Congratulations for reading this far, because now you know more about how to meet women online than 85% of the guys on the entire freaking planet.
And if you want to know more than everyone else so you’ll have ZERO competition online and can get dates on ANY site without much effort, then I highly recommend you get the free tips inside my Online Dating Newsletter.
Moving on to more tips for how to meet women online…
More Tips To Meet Women On line: Contacting Them
Believe me when I tell you there are more ways to meet women on line then “just” sending a message to them. Find out more below…
11) On online dating sites you can also use Hearts/Winks/Interests (it has a different name depending on the site) instead of messages. Hearts and what not are only great to meet women online with if you keep sending those things until a woman replies. Week after week. It’ll make her laugh and then respond to your persistence. Trust me.
12) There isn’t any other option on a true dating site and, although the tips below are about social networks for dating? I don’t want to leave you empty-handed if you have a profile on a dating site like Match.com: search for a woman’s name on LinkedIn. No that’s not creepy, it’s resourceful (as long as you don’t send her 1,000 messages per day because that IS creepy)

13) On social networks, this is where the fun meets my tips to meet women on line. Want to stand out and NOT use messages? Then why not leave a comment on her profile, photos or videos?
14) Want to start meeting women online successfully but are you having trouble getting replies? Why not meet women on line through friend requests then? Tease them or disapprove of something in the request itself. Works every time…
15) Sometimes you see women online that you must know. It’s just a feeling: you must get to know her. Well, if she doesn’t reply, not even with the methods mentioned above? Talk to one of her female friends. Have a story ready as to why, but once you do? It’s being introduced to … by another woman. Now THAT is how to meet women on line in a creative way.
16) There are plenty of sites with groups: groups that love poker, groups that love Charlie Sheen, groups that love Spiderman. Whatever. Most of those sites allow you to comment on photos and videos posted by the Group and on the Group “forum” itself. In short: meet women on line by talking to the women in those Groups.
Who would’ve thought that you can meet women on line by contacting them in multiple ways, huh?
But maybe you’re like: wait a minute! I need to know where to find women online before I start meeting women online. No problem dude! Just check out the next section…
Tips To Meet Women On line: Where Do You Find Them?
Want to know the places where you can meet women on line or how to find them? Then keep reading man!
17) There are many sites that allow you to search in certain cities/locations for women before you start to meet women on line. Now, especially with cities and towns and what not, I’m willing to bet you that you only know HALF the towns in a 30 mile radius of where you live. So get a map and type in all those places you’ve never heard of when you’re searching for women online.
18 ) Why stop at dating sites and social networks? Who says there aren’t forums about your interests out there? And believe me: YES, even if you’re only interested in games there are forums women join too. Use Google to find forums related to your interest.
19) Going on vacation? Want to travel? Feel adventurous? Why not sign up for a dating site or social network that’s popular in another country, like Orkut is in Brazil? You can meet women on line before you ever go there or just do your thing because you fall for foreign women.
20) If you want to meet women on line successfully, then don’t search for women online that are a certain age, especially not on social networks. It’s because some women “forget” a few years on purpose and because others don’t want to be bothered and pretend they’re really old (90+) or really young (15 or whatever) so guys leave them alone.
21) Think about what kind of relationship you’re looking for before you start meeting women online: long term? One night stand? Because sure, long term relationships are hard when there’s some distance between you too, but one night stands aren’t. If you just want to meet more women on line, then look beyond your city. Hell, beyond your state or province. I’ve met women from the UK, from Germany, from everywhere… and so can you.
Wow! Look at this looong list of tips to meet women on line I wrote already. But you know what? I have more coming right up!
Meet Women Online With A Little Help From Your Profile
As I mentioned before: your dating profile is the least of your worries, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have some tips for you!
Check out my tips for how to meet women online with your profile:
22) When you know that women are attracted to dominance, humor, playful teasing, men who are picky, confidence, men who are mysterious, men who are hard to get, and so on… think about how you can meet women on line with it. How can you show these personality traits? With text, photos or videos? Use everything you come up with!
23) Like I said before: photos are important if you want to meet women on line without much effort, so what kind of photos would your type of woman be attracted to? Say you like Latinas for example, then I would use… photos of me dancing the salsa, some Latino humor, me eating nachos or tacos or whatever, etc. I think you get the picture (no pun intended).

24) Use a call to action to meet women on line with your profile: tell women who may be interested what they need to do, which is contact you of course! Use humor in your call to action like so: “If you think you can handle my kind of craziness, my love for Latin music, and my coffee addiction? Then go make me some coffee damn it uhh… I mean contact me!”
25) Don’t take yourself too seriously because it shows you’re desperate. Make fun of yourself here and there. It shows a woman you have a sense of humor and that you’re a real person.
26) Since most people tend to try to meet people who live nearby online, make sure you scout your competition. Check out the dating profile of other men in your area. Is yours better or worse? I think you know what to do when it’s worse: improve it! OR… you can also NOT meet women on line successfully. Take your pick!
27) Show a woman you know what you want by saying on your dating profile what you DON’T want in a woman. Be specific with it, alright? Once you do and you start to meet women on line? You’ll know who is interested just because she will mention she’s not what you’re not looking for (HINT)
Now that was a whole bunch of tips on how to meet women online, wasn’t it? You should be glad you’ve read through the entire list, because most men will never know this stuff about online dating. And hey…
Guess what? I’m just getting started with my tips for how to meet women on line!
Because I have dozens and dozens… and dozens of other FREE tips waiting for you inside my Online Dating Newsletter. Free tips that will help you with meeting women online without much effort, so get those tips today okay?
And I put a lot of work in writing this blog post about how to meet women on line, so I really hope you liked it and that you’ll forgive me and my hangover for taking a nap now haha!
To More Dating Success,
Carlos Xuma
Win With Women
P.S. Want more free tips about what I\'ve talked about today? About how to meet one woman after the other, after the other... after the other - while barely lifting a finger? Then click here now to check out my Dating and Seduction Tips Newsletter.