Writing a Dating Profile That Attracts Women: Do’s and Don’ts
It’s easy: writing a dating profile that will get women to send YOU messages first is not as hard as it seems. Learn why in this post on dating profiles.
But before I get into these mistakes that regular guys like you and me make when writing a dating profile, and believe me dude: there are dozens, let’s backtrack a little.
Let me first tell you about what factors you need to take into account when writing a dating profile that works just like a chick magnet:
1) THE single most important part of your online profile is your photo. Did you know that your success online depends on your online dating profile photo? Probably not. It is the first thing women look at. The first impression they get of you will be from your profile pic.
2) But then, then the descriptions come into play…and this is when most guys hit very rocky territory. Cause we’re not all professional writers, right? We don’t know how to create attraction when writing a dating profile.
But here’s the good news, buddy…
You don’t have to be a professional writer, or even a good writer, to start writing a dating profile that kicks ass from here to the moon and back. An online dating profile that will get the ladies to start sending you messages faster than you can answer them all.
All there is to it, is avoiding some costly mistakes and you’ll easily double your chances to meet women online. So, let’s cut to the chase and see who those 7 evil culprits are, shall we?
And by the way: if you suddenly realize as you read this post, that you’re making these very same 7 mistakes when writing a dating profile? Don’t beat yourself up over it.
Instead, put the mistakes you’ve made behind you and start using some of my killer tactics. Once you do it’s likely you’ll experience online dating success like you’ve never experienced before.
Let’s get down to business. Let’s see how writing a dating profile is done.
Writing A Dating Profile Mistake # 1: Slang, or Worse…
Example 1: “Yo, honey, I’m DA man 4 u, so don’t b shy and give me a holla so we can git together.”
First off, your name is NOT 50 Cent. Especially not when writing a dating profile.

Secondly, when you write a description, you want to create attraction. If a woman needs Google Translate to understand your message, you’re not creating attraction.
Just think of the kind of woman you want to attract. Does she speak or even write like this? If not, then why would you?
When writing a dating profile, write like you would send your family an email. That’s without being formal or using chat language.
Always remember when you start writing a dating profile: the easier your dating profile is to read, the more it will get read. And guess what more reads mean? More responses from good-looking women dude!
So, do like me…
And avoid long paragraphs of text too. Use 2-3 sentences per paragraph and you keep your online dating profile nice, clean, and attractive to women.
There are people out there who still don’t understand that writing in caps is LIKE SHOUTING. Please understand that no one loves an attention whore.
And besides, it’s annoying as hell to read too.
Like I said before: make your dating profile easily readable and it will simply get read more, and isn’t that what you want? That all women who read it will contact you?
How To Write A Dating Profile Tip #2: Skip Lame Descriptions
It’s ok to include as much information as you want about yourself, but try to focus on the juicy details. Avoid writing books. The only site where it’s ok to do that is Amazon.com my friend.
Instead, start writing a dating profile about things that are exciting in your life, interesting things, unusual hobbies, and anything that will make you stand out. Anything that makes her laugh’s good too.
Because you want to create attraction and not put women to sleep, remember? You want to excite them.
Hell, you want to excite them and make ‘em say:
“DAMN, now this is an interesting guy! I wonder what spending a day with him would be like… just as crazy and exciting as his dating profile is? I hope so.”
You can do that by using emotions (how this or that made you feel), or by describing everything with all your senses (it looked, sounded, smelled, tasted, and felt like this).
Check out these samples of dating profiles for more ideas.
Writing A Dating Profile Mistake # 3: Insecurity Everywhere
Example 1: “How should I begin?”
Example 2: “I don’t know why I’m doing this…”
Example 3: “What can I say?”
Example 4: “I’m not sure about this, but I thought I’d give it a try.”
These examples have WUSSY written all over them. Come on man. Grow some balls! Or as I’d like to say: nut up or shut up.
No woman will be attracted to a big, insecure pussy. You gotta show a little confidence man. When writing a dating profile, never start a description with doubts, questions, or any type of insecure comment.
A much better way to go when writing a dating profile, is talking about your passions. About what you love to do. You see, I’ve never met anyone who did NOT sound confident when talking about their favorite things to do.
Women are looking for confidence and if you show it (instead of telling it) you are 1 out of 10 that she actually takes the time for to contact.
Chicks get an average of 30-50 messages a day from women, so by being confident alone you improve your chances tenfold.
Writing A Dating Profile Mistake # 4: Baggage!
Here’s a simple rule to follow: leave your emotional baggage at home.

Example 1: “I just recently got divorced…”
Example 2: “I haven’t been very lucky as far as relationships are concerned…”
Example 3: “I’ve been single for a few weeks and I’ve forgotten what it’s like to date.”
This obvious display of emotional baggage will have the ladies hurrying to click the BACK button to get the hell away from your online dating profile.
And you don’t want that, right? It’s best to keep negative experiences from the past to yourself, and to start out fresh with another woman. Isn’t that why you’re writing a dating profile?
I’m giving you the same tip as I gave you before here: talk about passions, passions, passions. Women need a man who has faith in what’s to come in the future because, in a way, that’s showing them you’re confident as well.
Writing A Dating Profile Mistake # 5: Being Too Technical
Example: “As a pharmaceutical consultant, I spend most of my day helping clients become more FDA compliant, but I also look for ways in which LEAN manufacturing practices may be implemented particularly in the production of recombinant drugs.”
It’s ok if you’re a pharmaceutical consultant, nuclear physicist, or chemical engineer…OR when you’re trying to date one…
But when you’re writing a dating profile, try to leave the job description for your resume, okay? Because women aren’t attracted to money, status, fame, or power. Only groupies are.
The vast majority of women are attracted to a man’s personality. And honestly?
If men wouldn’t have the potential to be attractive to women with their personality, then wouldn’t humankind have become extinct many, many years ago?
It’s just that you haven’t been SHOWN how to use your full potential as a man. You already have it in you to tease, be picky, be mysterious, and be dominant and so on to create attraction… but you just don’t know it yet just like a dog doesn’t realize it’s a dog.
It’s a topic I talk about many times inside my Simple Inner Game System, but for now just remember: whatever you do best in real life AFTER work? Make sure you mention it when writing a dating profile!
– Do you crack jokes when you’re with friends?
– Do you always lead the pack when you’re with other people?
– Do you always love to disapprove whatever the hell other people are doing?
Use it when writing a dating profile too and you’ll get more women. Dude, it’s what I did…
And look at me now:
People call me a dating guru, so there must be some truth to this then, don’t you think?
Writing A Dating Profile Mistake # 6: High Expectations
Example: “I hope to meet the love of my life here, someone I will spend the rest of my life with…”
Question. What would you do if you would meet a woman today and tomorrow she tells you she loves you and wants to introduce you to her parents later that day?
I’m willing to bet that you would run away from her as fast as you could. Guess what women do when you get ahead of yourself? That’s right. The exact same thing. So, that’s NOT how writing a dating profile is done man.
Ask a woman before she goes on a first date with a guy what she hopes will happen and she’ll answer with “we’ll see”, “he’s cute so I think it’s gonna be a lot of fun!” That’s a major clue.
You see, you won’t hear women say they wonder what it’s like to have your babies before the first date. You won’t see them wondering if you are “The One” like Neo was in The Matrix. They’re laidback about dating. They don’t have ANY expectations at first.
Be more laidback when writing a dating profile as well. Relax a little. Live a little.
It shows the ladies you’re not desperate and that you’re out to have fun, because only a VERY desperate chick won’t mind when you tell her you two are on a date because you want to screw her brains out.
Writing A Dating Profile Mistake # 7: No Specifics
Example: “I’d love to date a woman who is independent, funny, honest, etc.”
By not being specific enough when you’re writing a dating profile, it almost like you’re saying “any woman will do”. Why? Because all women say about themselves that they’re honest and funny (even the liars and boring ones do).
If you let women know that you’ll settle for ANY woman, then they know you won’t love them for who they are… but just because they’re female and give you attention.
Women want men who have a genuine interest in them, and saying any woman will do is the EXACT opposite. But there’s an easy way out: telling as much about your type of woman as you can and not thinking twice about it.
And like I mentioned earlier, if you have made any of these mistakes before? Then don’t beat yourself up over it. Wipe your slate clean and start using some good techniques for writing a dating profile instead…
Do you want to know about an easy way to get your hands on powerful techniques to meet women online that hundreds of guys have used before you and were successful with?
Then check out my Online Dating Tips Newsletter today.
And while you’re checking out my Newsletter, this movie junkie will be checking out Paranormal Activity 2. Let’s see if the sequel to a brilliant horror movie is equally awesome.
Hope you liked these tips for writing a dating profile… and I’m out!
Check out the rest of the Profile For Dating series.
To More Dating Success,
Carlos Xuma
Win With Women
P.S. Want more free tips about what I\'ve talked about today? About how to meet one woman after the other, after the other... after the other - while barely lifting a finger? Then click here now to check out my Dating and Seduction Tips Newsletter.