Events: Real Man Conference Try-Out Review
Today it’s time to give you what you’ve ALL been waiting for: the Review of the Real Man Conference try-out that the Dating Doctors organized!
Some of you were VERY interested about what the event would be like, and thus were begging me to go to the try-out to see it with my own two eyes.
So, let’s dive RIGHT in!
The Setting
The whole thing took place in this ‘hidden’ self-help centre in Rotterdam, the Netherlands…but hidden you said? Yes I did, as I had serious trouble finding it because the street it was in seemed to be a normal neighborhood SLASH industrial terrain…lol! Homes, cars, big trees, nothing revealed the place of a self-help centre there because the whole setting seemed to bedepressing, but maybe that was just the rain talking. Strange place for a self-help centre right?
The organization of the try-out was very ‘freestyle’: an UNofficial ticket reception, a room for 30 people at best, Johnny Soporno unfortunately cancelled on us (he will still be present at the RMC though) and dinner (pizza) was ordered on the spot! Nevertheless… the experience was MINDBLOWING because of…
The Speakers
We started with Arjan Rooijens, former Powerhouse Secrets seducer turned consultant, who talked about escalation and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) mostly. He pointed out to us that there were seven phases we go through with women:
1. Approach
2. Opening
3. Keeping it going
4. Connecting & touching
5. Getting sexual
6. Sex
7. Relationship
Which are pretty much the basics of winning with women, but luckily he went a little more IN-DEPTH by stating that you can achieve multiple at once (some can even do ALL seven at once) by having good game as in…your way of thinking & than doing but het ALSO revealed why most men stay in the friend zone with women: a lack of number 5. If you NEVER sexualize the conversation, never are naughty with her and never talk about have ALL the makings of a “SUPER friendship” (and if that’s not your intention? You do NOT want to end up in one!).
He clarified this cleverly with his ‘emotional organ’: there are four basic emotions (fear, angry, happy & sad) with angryness and happiness having the highest impact, which leads to a low-highest-high-low impact…just like you would have with the pitch of the keys of an organ. He compared this to an organ next: if you only press the happy key, you will serve as entertainment or a buddy…but mix in angryness & fear (by for example being picky, challenging, etc.) and she’ll first be mad at you for playing hard to get but then she’ll fear losing you (or your interest). Every Hollywood movie uses this emotional organ: first there’s the fear when his wife is kidnapped, than he’s angry at the kidnapper and tries to get even, he rescues his women and they live happily ever after: fear-angry-happy. So KEY insights were: make sure you sexualize the conversation and DON’T always be there and try to make her happy but move her along the emotional organ.
He also talked about personal hygiene for a bit, but I’ll cover that later on..on the blog in full! Talked to him during the “pizza break” and he’s a cool guy…told me a LOT about the history of the Dutch seduction community and how it’s getting corrupted and kept small by one powerful individual, gave me some business sticking points and he recommended me to join, THE lair for the best of the best seduction people who (or so I’ve heard..) actually get a BIGGER discount on the RMC price than the rest of us…the basterds! Lol!
Up next was the guy you’ve ALL been waiting for…ZAN PERRION!! And before I say ANYTHING about his teachings I would like to say something to all those not so tall guys out there: Zan’s JUST as small as you are and this has MASSIVE success with women because it’s NOT an issue for him. Why? Because flaws, imperfections and shortcomings that are physical by nature are NOT an issue for women as long as YOU don’t make an issue out of them! If you’re confident and not bothered by it, neither will they. That goes for ALL physical imperfections of ANY kind…
Onto his teachings…he talked about:
1) How we need to STOP apologizing for being a man. If you for example approach a girl and she says she’s married or has a boyfriend, why do we say: “oh I’m sorry, I didn’t know that…I just wanted to get a drink somewhere with you, I don’t mean anything by it?” OR if we want to take a girl out, why do we say: “I want to get a coffee with you”? It’s because we think we need to APOLOGIZE for being men…WHY? Us men were BORN to do this, so if we see a cute girl somewhere we want to approach her..that is our NATURE. So in case of a relationship it’s better to say: “I understand…but you’re still invited! And it’ll be fun! You know what? Take some of your girlfriends with you too!” and if we want to take her out we need to say: “I want to take you out, it would be SO much fun. Are you kidding me? Just look at’re beautiful.”
2) How our ancestors maybe a thousand years back stood maybe even RIGHT where you are now with a sword in their hands, raising their arms to charge the enemy…they were fighting WARS for us, they were conquerors, victorious men in battle and managed to reproduce. Think about it…in all of history there are SO many blood lines that DIED, disappeared from the face of the earth because the men didn’t reproduce and yet YOU are here, YOU are the result of one of those champions otherwise you wouldn’t be here today! That’s why we need to START living our lives as CHAMPIONS.
3) How we need to appreciate beauty in women EVERYWHERE, because if you’re only charming, teasing etc. in the presence of a really beautiful woman? Than you’re DOING something…you’re not BEING it and that is why the looks of a woman shouldn’t matter to us. If you’re good with women, than you’re good with ALL women…and not just doing a little trick with the best one in the club (than he explained how he met these two older women of about 50, maybe 60 years old in an elevator in Vegas, that he appreciated their beauty and that it made them SMILE like never before). If we make women feel sexy and beautiful about themselves, we make US feel sexy and beautiful about OURSELVES. And if we see someone we would like to appreciate for their beauty, than by all means: go over there and do it if you want to BE good with women!
4) How us men have NO sources for learning about sex, love and relationships. When a woman has relationship troubles she gets together with all of her girlfriends and they talk about it for HOURS, but if a man has the same problem…he goes to his buddies who will say that’s too bad, he gets another beer and that’s IT! Women have Cosmopolitan, Oprah, Dr. Phil, Tyra Banks Shows, Sex & The City and romantic comedies…but what do MEN have to teach us about having the best sex, love and relationship possible? NOTHING! And that is why the seduction community was born in the first place…to be THAT source and said it’s a beautiful thing.
5) How we need to STOP settling for second best, the comfort zone. He talked about this play where you had this man –it was his 60th birthday- who sat at a table going through a collection of tapes. Every year starting at age 21, he would record a tape on his birthday for future reference…and as he listened to some, he became more and more better, depressed. Because the tape of his younger years described all kinds of exciting, new plans he would persue…but he never did and now has his regrets about that. He listened on and on until he stumbled on this tape were he was in a boat with a woman listening to it’s floating sounds toigether, laying there at the bottom of the boat as it was rocking against the shore…and he stopped it and played it again and again until the play was over. We need to STOP settling for things we would ‘almost’ like to do and persue our DREAMS no matter what it takes, we should seek out unforgettable memories and constantly ask ourselves if what we’re doing right now is living life to the fullest, creating the very best memories. Even if it means our parents, friends, loved ones etc. don’t agree with us or are mad at us…we need to do what enables us to get the most out of life, living regretless and looking back later on on a memory FILLED with very good, unforgettable memories.
***NOTE*** And if you want to know how I discovered how Casanova, Cleopatra, Lord Byron and other infamous, world-class seducers ALL used a number of seduction instruments that could easily capture someone’s heart and mind no matter how much they tried to resist..
Then I highly recommend you check out the monthly 2.0 e-zine..because in it, I’ll share every single one of them with you
If you want to know more about Zan I would say: join us at the Real Man Conference or go to one of his seminars! I got the chance to thank Zan for the forums over at too, which is FILLED with very insightful, inner game threads. He’s far from an ordinary guy when it comes to his choices in life: he has NO home on this earth, he lives nowhere and actually has very little to NONE possessions! Nevertheless he spoke with such ENERGY and enthusiasm, that it was a very charismatic performance.
After that Martijn van Ewijk (a dating guru from a Dutch company called Masterflirt) came in. He told us about how men aren’t cheered for their masculinity anymore: take for example abuse in homes. Society normally suspects MEN of being abusive in a household, while it turns out that women are behind AT LEAST 50% of all reports of abuse…yet men are ‘the bad guys’. When we talk to women we’re not supposed to talk dirty because than we’re “male chauvinist pigs”, which is wrong. He thought it was time to show some BALLS and cheer men for their masculinity, for their raw male power.
So we did an excercise where all the chairs were set aside and we had to divide ourselves on a minimum-maximum line with the one end of the room being the minimum and the other the maximum. Up first were length, weight etc. and THAN masculinity and other more difficult disctinctions. After that is was time for the REAL excercise: we all had to stand in a group, had to walk with our heads held high in a masculine way to the other end of the room one by one and. Afterwards we needed to turn around and introduce ourselves saying “I’m (your name here)”, after which the entire group cheered you, clapped in their hands for you and shouted your name to celebrate your masculinity. Very empowering exercise, were we needed to pinch our wrists during the cheers…to make that our anchor for whenever we wanted to get that feeling back when a woman is bothering is, does something we don’t like etc. Anchoring is an NLP technique where you link a state of mind with a physical action and use as much of your imagination to picture that state in doing so, and the more you perform the action the better and more often it will work.
The entire event (including the Conference) is organized by the DatingDocters, and LoveDoc the next speaker, was one of them. He talked about Inner Game, visualization and incantation. He pointed out, just like Zan but in a different way, that if we want to truly become successful, we need to know what we want, why we want it, DO it, reflect, and change the action until it works. He suggested we should visualize it all when we’re using this success formula, as to empower our beliefs and minds to believe it even more..that most of our decision making happens subconsciously and that this will help to print it deep into our subconscious.
He also talked about some Inner Game issues and one of the things that I thought was the most profound was him comparing our success with a big, sluggish freight ship doing its thing on the Atlantic. Even if we only manage to turn the steering weel for just a couuuple of centimeters, after days our course will be SO many miles apart from the original destination that we’ve actually managed to make a BIG change happen over time by consistently doing small things to improve our success (and way of thinking).
So guys saying they can’t do it…are trying to think TOO big and aiming for planning ten steps ahead, while doing one small step after the next will lead to a BIG change over time as long as we are patient and PERSIST in doing so.
The People
There were about 20-30 people of the Dutch seduction community there, which turned out to be quite an interesting mix. Among those people were several that live in the vicinity of Rotterdam just like I do, so we decided to try and see if we can set up a wingman group for going out together.
Next to this, there was also a cool guy that goes by the name of Pepe Le Pua who, together with his friends, experienced the joy of having Zan for a sleep-over where he told amazing stories about Project Hollywood (read Neil Strauss – The Game for more on that one). I said I had my own blog, and he immediately knew I was Dirty D of…guess my name’s pretty known, didn’t knew that though…lol!
I also had the chance to talk to two of the organizers Pim & David (SmoothDoc & LoveDoc), with the former demanding of me to write a Review about the try-out, lol! (if you’re reading this: the pizzas tasted like shit!) And oh, your part with tips sucked.
Hell, there is a hell of a lot wrong with you Dating Doctors. Just read my blog post about why the Dating Doctors have gone wrong and you’ll know why (click the link.)
Among the audience were also Arjan Rooijens and an instructor of Masterflirt (his name is Floris…a.k.a. the king of fooling you into believing nonsense, but with a pokerface, lol!). These were all cool guys with a good sense of humor and I’m looking forward to meeting them again in the near future.
Four Word pages for just a TRY-OUT…@*#&()! (cursewords here) what will be the length of the FULL Real Man Conference report than? Guess all you fellas out there, as my dear READERS, will have to settle for getting a book review as in…a review of a book long, lol! It was unfortunate that Johnny Soporno didn’t attend the event, but if you add up the people there, the speakers AND the material of the speakers? Than I would say: next time there’s a try-out for such a big event, you’re STUPID when you miss out on it….you really are because I had some realizations of myself there, the material connected some dots for me!
More on that later…but here’s my grade for the Real man Conference try-out: 7,5!
To More Dating Success,
Carlos Xuma
Win With Women
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