Expand Your Social Circle With These 4 Tips And Date More Women

If you want to meet more women, then make sure you expand your social circle. I’ll show you why and how to do it with ANY social circle within days.

Before I explain how to expand your social circle, I want you to know what’s in it for you if you do first:

– The freedom to choose who to date after you expand your social circle… and more

– The freedom to create a lifestyle that attracts the people and events into your life that make you confident and happy

– The freedom of creating a social circle as big as you want that gives you endless amounts of fun and a way to achieve your goals, no matter what goals you have

If you start to expand your social circle today, it will look like this only days from now!

That’s what I want to give you. I can almost hear you think: “Why is he telling me this?”

When you expand your social circle you will have the 3 freedoms I just described. Once you read my tips for how to expand your social circle you’ll realize just how important your circle of friends is for your dating success and for your success in life.

I already talked about meeting women through your social circle in my previous blog about how to improve your lifestyle, but I’ve got even more tips for you! Time to get down to business. Let’s take a look at my tips.

Tip #1 To Expand Your Social Circle: Be Pro-active

Ninety percent of the population on this little rock in space we call planet Earth makes friends in a reactive way. Not good!

Just imagine how your social circle came into existence…

You go to college and so happen to sit next to this dude in Spanish class. This dude starts talking about basketball and as a NBA junkie you react. You discover you two have other things in common as well, so you become friends… but…

What would have happened if you did NOT sit down next to the guy? Chances are he would have never become your friend. This is the “voodoo” behind expanding your social circle that many people suffer from: they let their lives be determined by pure chance a little too much.

That’s NOT how to expand your social circle man.

Don’t let this be you: don’t just REACT to the people and events in your direct environment. No. If we use the basketball example then you should pro-actively seek out other NBA junkies.

Be pro-active when you want to expand your social circle (still using the basketball example here):

– Find NBA fan clubs and get heavily involved in them: go to all meetings and connect with people
– Go to as many NBA games of your favorite team(s) as you can and talk to the people there
– Get on a forum or in a Facebook group about basketball and get to know the people there

I can almost hear you think: “What’s in it for me? What’s the use? Why befriend pro-actively instead of in a reactive way?”

1) You never know who your new friends know, but they always know women. They always know single women you can meet. Know what I mean? Let that social circle magic work FOR YOU, not against you: get introduced, to everyone… everywhere.

2) Pro-actively socializing means practising your conversational skills and your social skills. Women talk. Women talk a whole damn lot. So trust me: you NEED the practice.

3) The women at the events or clubs or sites of your favorite pass time. Think about it. Why are they there? They are either with someone or it’s a favorite pass time of theirs. That makes talking to them wayyyyy easier, because a social circle usually starts with a common interest.

Let’s be real here for a second my friend: you need some confidence to say more than 3 words to total strangers, but I’ve got your back with my Inner Game newsletter. It helps you improve your confidence so you can actually start doing the 3 things I just mentioned.

Tip #2 On How To Expand Your Social Circle: Befriend A Connector

What is a connector? It’s important that you know this so you can expand your social circle. Here’s what Wikipedia reveals:

“Connectors are said by author Malcolm Gladwell to be people in a community who know large numbers of people and who are in the habit of making introductions. A connector is essentially the social equivalent of a computer network hub. Connectors usually know people across an array of social, cultural, professional, and economic circles, and make a habit of introducing people who work or live in different circles.”

In my own words: connectors are the people with a HUGE social circle who hook you up. They easily expand your social circle.

They’re the ones that introduce you to the boys that have the exam before you need to make it. Hell, they’re probably the most popular people in school.

They’re the ones that introduce you to another guy from the company about a better job while you didn’t see any job vacancies. They’re the ones that expand your social circle FOR YOU.

They’re the ones that introduce you to a woman from their own social circle that might be your type…

How to find them? First you have to know the two types of connectors before you can ever hope to expand your social circle:

1) The ultra-social
2) The working connector

The ultra-social
It’s easy to find them, because they always seem to have access to things you’re looking for or would like to have. And off course: they always have people around them because they’re ultra-social.

As soon as you see or hear about “the guy who knows someone who can?” You’re about to meet a connector. Befriend him (or her!), because again: you never know who they know. You don’t know the women he can introduce you to… lots of women…

Since they know people from all walks of life? A connector almost guarantees that you’ll make new friends every time you hang out with them. It’s the fastest way to expand your social circle.

The working connector
The working connector HAS TO socialize. It’s his job. He (or she) is either a DJ, promoter, doorman or bartender. People who have one of these 4 jobs need to expand their circle of friends or they will get less tips. Or … they get fired because they don’t bring in enough money for the clubs and bars they work for.

Befriending a working connector is easy once you know the tricks. You see, most people who go clubbing don’t say more than “Hi!” and which drink they like to the working connector. Go deeper than that.

Next time you meet a DJ, promoter, doorman, or bartender? Say “Hi”, ask how he or she is doing, ask what kind of music is being played and if they like it… and work from there.

Then go to the exact same club or bar a couple of days or a week after that and ask the same stuff, introduce yourself, ask his or her name… and work from there. Now THAT is how to expand your social circle man!

Soon you will expand your social circle with a working connector that not only know lots of people and many women, but who can also get you discounts, free drinks, access to the VIP area for free…

As you can see: there are lots of benefits that come with being friends with a working connector! Hell, make it your goal to add a dozen of them to your social circle and your life will change forever. Take it from me.

Here’s a juicy secret: befriend female connectors and especially female working connectors. You want to hear why?

It’s because when you’re in the club and the women there see you having fun with popular women (the connectors), they’ll assume they have competition. Women want what they can’t have just like all humans do, so do you see the benefit here?

Tip #3 To Expand Your Social Circle: Become A Connector Yourself

Connectors have HUGE amounts of social power and not only because they have to be socialize for their jobs or because they like to talk a lot.


Connectors understand a very important principle about how to expand your social circle: “do a favor and get a favor”. And it works just like the entire La Cosa Nostra mafia operation used to run, except for the hardcore crime, murder, and plundering off course.

Because connectors use this principle so well, they don’t even have to be pro-active about meeting new people because new people will find them. Why? Because more and more people want access to the connections that the connector has! OR… they simply want to be just as cool as he or she is.

The moment you start working with “do a favor and get a favor”? You’ll become a connector yourself.

What that means for your social circle? You’ll expand it of course!

And it means you’ll be able to attract the people and events into your life that you want. I’m not kidding: you will be able to get almost anything you want, because you can use your connections to get it.

Here’s an example of how to use “do a favor and get a favor” to expand your social circle:

– You’re in college and there’s a big geek in your class who most people seem to ignore. But the geek has a skill: downloading top-notch quality movies and burning them on DVDs, so you befriend him. Now every time someone wants to buy a movie they come to you and they owe you a favor.

– One of the guys that got a movie off of you has family that works in a clothing factory. A girl who else gets one of your DVDs works at a restaurant. You ask both of them to respect the favor and give you a discount. Now you know someone who can provide movies, someone for clothing, and someone who can give a guy a discount when he’s on a date in her restaurant.

Do you see how this concept works? You simply look for a skill that someone in your environment has and you give your entire social circle and their friends access to the skill.

Since (as self help guru Dale Carnegie says) everyone’s your master in some area of life? All these people also have skills, so then you can send people to them if they need their skill.

In short: you will grow into someone who knows someone with skill A, someone with skill B, and so on and so on. Your social circle will get more powerful the more favors you do for people, hell, it’s why the mafia became as big as it got.

Guess what they call these kinds of people? Connectors. Connectors and mafiosi hahaha!

Expand your social circle beyond what you thought to be possible by becoming a connector.

All kidding aside, being someone who has access to all kinds of skills means YOUR life becomes a whole lot easier too when YOU need to get something done.

It also means that expanding your social circle happens on auto-pilot: more and more people will come to you to get A done or to get B done… and so on…

And hey… you can bet your ass that women need stuff done too. A whole lot of stuff! It’s an easy way to meet women.

Tip #4 To Expand Your Social Circle: Simply Say “Hi!”

You’re a regular at more places than you’d think. In case you don’t know: a regular is someone who visits a place often. And you do that with your…

– Your work
– Your college
– Your favorite club

And there are probably many other places where you come often, but these are the best ones because MANY people are regulars at work, college, or clubs.

There you go and think again: “Why is that important?”

It’s important because to expand your social circle, you have to think long term. Here’s what you do.

1) You say “Hi” to ANY woman and ANY man that seems interesting at the places where you’re a regular

2) Next time you go there? Look for all the people you said “Hi” to and you greet them again and ask how their day is going

3) The time after that when you go there? You look for them again and everyone you see you introduce yourself to, ask their names, and invite them for a cup of coffee (or a drink). You will be amazed by how large your social circle will become when you do this…

It’s real easy to do number 3 and expand your social circle because of it. Just say something like:

“Hi! You know, I never got your name? What’s your name? My name is …. and it’s nice to meet you! I always see you here, and yet we never went and got ourselves a cup of cofee. Let’s change that! Let’s grab a cup of coffee.”

Here’s why saying “Hi” at places where you’re a regular works so well and why you will hear “YES” a lot when you offer to grab a cup of coffee or a drink somewhere:

In Robert Cialdini’s awesome book Influence, he shares a key insight about liking someone. Here it goes:

“We tend to like people who are similar to us more than people who are not so similar to us.”

In my own words: the people you say “Hi” to several times see that you’re in or that you like the same place as they do. That makes you similar to them and because you’re similar to them? It’s easier to BE LIKED by them. It’s easier to become their friends.

Just admit it.

Little did you know that the simple word “Hi” had so much power, right?

These 4 awesome tips about how to expand your social circle I just gave you help you to:

– They help you expand your circle of friends FOR YOU after you break up with your girlfriend and need to get out more. Once you get out more you obviously meet more women…

– They help you quickly build a new social circle when you’ve moved from one city to another city where you don’t know anyone yet. You’ll have new friends (and new women) within weeks!

– They help you practice your social skills and your conversational skills. Once you do that you’re only one step away from creating a circle of friends that introduces you to hot, interesting women

And right about now this EXTREME movie junkie is gonna go ahead and watch himself some movies. I’m thinking about watching the new Predators. Why? Because I loved the first movie with the invisible aliens in the jungle fighting Mister Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) himself. It was freaking awesome!

But you know what? I want to do you a favor. Hehe, see how I’m expanding my social circle here?

Listen: you may not watch as many movies as I do, but this tip is still something to remember.

And hey… remember who gave you these tips to expand your social circle. Remember who gave you the free movies link too.

To More Dating Success,

Carlos Xuma
Win With Women

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Carlos Xuma
- Win With Women