What you're looking at right now is the Calling Women and Texting Women Program "Product Page"... and on this page you can find a short description of what the product is about, some of my market research so you can sell it better, and off course the promotional materials to start selling it!
Getting started is real easy, just follow these 4 quick steps...
Step 1) What This Program Is About

Price: $97
Your commission: 80% (you earn $77 per sale)
Your 2nd tier commission: 2.5% (when an affililiate you helped sign up makes a sale, you will earn 2.5% commission of his/her sale!)
Conversion rate: 3.5% (when done right, 3.5% of all people who click on your affiliate link buy! Industry average conversion is 2%)
Return rate: 0% (up until now, no one asked his money back!)
*: the return rate of a product is an indicator of it's quality. So, if a product has a relatively high return rate (above 3%)? Then it's usually deemed not a good product to have and definitely not to promote, because it could damage your reputation! A return rate of 2-3% is average quality, below 2% is excellent product quality.
So what's the Calling Women and Texting Women Program?
A Program consisting of ebooks and videos that helps single men to get women's phone numbers, call women, text women, and successfully ask women out on a date over the phone. Not only that, it also helps guys use their phone as a tool for approaching women they don't know yet... AND as a tool for keeping their girlfriend interested in them.
Step 2) Not An Affiliate Yet?
NOTE: You can skip this step if you're already a Win With Women Affiliate...
Become a Win With Women Affiliate right now to easily start earning more money without much effort TODAY.
Step 3) How To Start Promoting It...
1) If you signed up via
www.win-with-women.com/affiliate, then you're an in-house affiliate.
You can
GO HERE, login, click on the "View Products" tab, and scroll down until you see the product name (Calling Women and Texting Women Program).
Important: Right below the product name is your affiliate link, so copy it and paste it into one of the promotional materials below or you won't get paid... and I don't want that to happen!
2) If you signed up via Clickbank, Click2sell, or Paydotcom: login on the site you became an affiliate with, find this product (Calling Women and Texting Women Program), copy your affiliate link, and
paste it into one of the promotional materials below.
Need further assistance? Still have questions? Please email:
[email protected]
Step 4) Use These Promotional Materials
1) Product reviews
Want to review the Calling Women and Texting Women Program yourself? Please send an email to:
[email protected]
2) Emails
Click the link below to download a file that contains an 8 day email course that will maximize the number of conversions you'll make with your email list, with your newsletter subscribers...
P.S. Don't have a newsletter yet? Download THIS to learn how to get one!
P.P.S. Looking for email marketing tips? Download THIS to DOUBLE the stack of cash you can make by promoting products to your email list...
3) Banners
I have made several
effective banners for the Calling Women and Texting Women Program...
I have to say: Every site has a different lay-out, different background colors, and even a different audience. That means giving you one-size-fits-all banners is really difficult, because some banners look and work better on your site than on the next site.
So if you want special banners for your specific website?
Please send an email now to:
[email protected]
4) Testimonials
Click the link below to download a file that contains testimonials (feedback on using the product) of customers and other dating experts. It makes your promotional activities a hell of a lot easier ;-)
Testimonials or get the testimonials online here
5) Articles
Click the link below to download a file that contains several of my best articles about topics that are covered inside the Calling Women and Texting Women Program. This file also contains instructions on how to use them and tips on how to sell more with them.
6) Videos
Click the link below to download a file with a small collection of videos, instructions on how to use them and tips on how to sell more with them.
Includes embed codes so you can easily put my videos on your site or blog to promote my products with!
NOTE: the video collection also includes the Trailer Video of the Program. The Trailer explains what the product does and what it doesn't do, what's inside, which common questions about calling women and texting women the Program answers. I've made lots of sales thanks to the trailer, so use it!
7) A Free Chapter of the ebook of the Program
Click the link below to download a PDF file that contains
a Free Chapter of the Calling Women and Texting Women Program. It gives guys a preview of the tips they'll get inside my Program.
Download it, upload it to your website's server, then share it on your site with a download link + your affiliate link right underneath it...
The Free Chapter
8) Suggestions For Keywords
how to call women, how to text women, what to do if she doesn't answer her phone, calling women, texting women, ask a girl out, how to get women's phone numbers.
Want more keywords to use for your page's SEO (search engine optimization) or for your pay-per-click advertising?
Then use
the Google Keyword Tool
9) Blogs About Topics Covered Inside The Program
One of the most powerful marketing tools I've ever used is my blog. Needless to say, I have written a lot of blogs related to topics covered inside the Simple Inner Game System.
You can go
the Blogs For Affiliates Page to check them out.
10) Market Research
Want more insights about how single guys (my market) think, so you can develop your own promo materials because you understand them better... and earn more money because of your understanding?
Then first check out the "Prospect Core Complex" inside the
Newsletter With Affiliate Tips.
And here are some specific insights on how men think about calling and texting women:
- Most men get nervous/inscure before and during a phone conversation with a woman, mostly because they don't know what
to say and don't know how to ask a woman out over the phone.
- The majority of men believe that they need to wait for several days before they call a woman back after they get her phone number. In reality, this makes women reject men because they think the men deem them not interesting enough to contact them right away!
- Well over 90% of men doesn't know that the reason why women DON'T give them their number happened BEFORE they asked their number. They talked too little, waited too long, didn't create enough attraction, etc.
- It's funny how dudes think that texting is useless, because you can always call women, right? Meanwhile, texting can be used for after a first date to get a second date... and many other things...
- Men are frustrated when a woman gives them a fake phone number and think women are evil because of it. Meanwhile, it's easy to prevent. Example: if you call her on the spot to "let her know what your number is", then you know if it's a real number she gave you.
WAIT - Here's Some More...
If you want to gain access to even more internet marketing techniques so you can earn more money
within days, and if you want to stay up-to-date about new product releases, special promotional deals and much more... then sign up for
the Win With Women Affiliates Newsletter.
And hey... if you have ANY questions, requests or comments about how to promote products, me, or something else? Send me an email at
[email protected] and I'll be happy to help you. After all, your success is my success!
To More Dating Success,

Dennis Miedema
Win With Women
P.S. Check out some of the blog posts the Calling Women and Texting Women Program was based on:
How to call girls
How to text a girl
What to text a girl you like
How to text flirt with women